class dovecot::expire ( $type = 'sqlite', $mail_location = '', $dirs = '', $days = '' ) { include ::dovecot file { '/etc/cron.daily/dovecot-expire': owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0755; } if $type == 'legacy' or $type == 'mixed' { case $mail_location { '': { fail("Need to set \$dovecot_mail_location on $fqdn!") } } case $dirs { '': { $dirs = 'Trash\|Junk' } } case $days { '': { $days = '14' } } File['/etc/cron.daily/dovecot-expire']{ content => "find ${mail_location} -regex '.*/\\.\\(${dirs}\\)\\(/.*\\)?\\/\\(cur\\|new\\)/.*' -type f -ctime +${days} -delete\n" } } else { case $operatingsystem { debian: { augeas { "expire_cron": context => "/files/etc/default/dovecot/rule", changes => [ 'set /files/etc/default/dovecot/EXPIRE_CRON \'"daily"\'' ], } } default: { File['/etc/cron.daily/dovecot-expire']{ content => "dovecot --exec-mail ext /usr/libexec/dovecot/\n" } } } } if $type != 'legacy' { file{'/etc/dovecot-expire.conf': source => [ "puppet:///modules/site-dovecot/expire/${fqdn}/dovecot-expire.conf", "puppet:///modules/site-dovecot/expire/dovecot-expire.conf", "puppet:///modules/dovecot/expire/${operatingsystem}/dovecot-expire.conf", "puppet:///modules/dovecot/expire/dovecot-expire.conf" ], require => Package['dovecot'], notify => Service['dovecot'], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0600; } file { '/usr/libexec/dovecot/': source => "puppet:///modules/dovecot/expire/", owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0700; } } case $type { 'legacy': { info("no need to include anything for legacy mode") } 'mixed': { include ::dovecot::expire::sqlite } 'mysql': { include ::dovecot::expire::mysql } default: { include ::dovecot::expire::sqlite } } }