# # A basic function to retrieve data in couchdb # module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:couchdblookup, :type => :rvalue) do |args| require 'json' require 'open-uri' url = args[0] key = args[1] raise Puppet::ParseError, ("couchdblookup(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be == 2)") if args.length != 2 begin json = JSON.parse(open(URI.parse(url)).read) rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => error raise Puppet::ParseError, "couchdblookup(): fetching URL #{url} failed with status #{error.message}" end result = nil if json.has_key?("rows") and json['total_rows'] > 0 and json['rows'][0].has_key?(key) result = Array.new json['rows'].each do |x| result.push(x[key]) end else if json.has_key?(key) result = json[key] end end result or raise Puppet::ParseError, "couchdblookup(): key '#{key}' not found in JSON object !" end end