#!/usr/bin/ruby # # This script will update the values of a particular couchdb document. The benefit of this little script over # using a simple curl command for updating a document is this: # # * exit non-zero status if document was not updated. # * updates existing documents easily, taking care of the _rev id for you. # * if document doesn't exist, it is created # # REQUIREMENTS # # gem 'couchrest' # # USAGE # # couch-doc-update --port --db --id --data # # EXAMPLE # # create a new user: # couch-doc-update --db _users --id org.couchdb.user:ca_daemon --data '{"type": "user", "name": "ca_daemon", "roles": ["certs"], "password": "sshhhh"}' # # update a user: # couch-doc-update --db _users --id org.couchdb.user:ca_daemon --data '{"password":"sssshhh"}' # # To update the _users DB on bigcouch, you must connect to port 5986 instead of the default couchdb port 5984 # begin; require 'rubygems'; rescue LoadError; end # optionally load rubygems require 'couchrest' require 'json' def main # # parse options # @port = "5984" @db_name = nil @doc_id = nil @new_data = nil loop do case ARGV[0] when '--port' then ARGV.shift; @port = ARGV.shift when '--db' then ARGV.shift; @db_name = ARGV.shift when '--id' then ARGV.shift; @doc_id = ARGV.shift when '--data' then ARGV.shift; @new_data = ARGV.shift when /^-/ then usage("Unknown option: #{ARGV[0].inspect}") else break end end usage("Missing required option") unless @db_name && @doc_id && @new_data @new_data = JSON.parse(@new_data) # # update document # begin @db = CouchRest.database(connection_string(@db_name, @port)) @doc = get_document(@db, @doc_id) result = if @doc update_document(@db, @doc, @new_data) else create_document(@db, @doc_id, @new_data) end exit 0 if result['ok'] raise StandardError.new(result.inspect) rescue StandardError => exc puts "ERROR: " + exc.to_s exit 1 end end def get_document(db, doc_id) begin db.get(doc_id) rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound nil end end def update_document(db, doc, data) data.each do |key, value| doc[key] = value end db.save_doc(doc) end def create_document(db, doc_id, data) data["_id"] = doc_id db.save_doc(data) end def connection_string(database, port) protocol = "http" hostname = "" #port = "5984" username = "admin" password = "" netrc = File.read('/etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc') netrc.scan(/\w+ [\w\.]+/).each do |key_value| key, value = key_value.split ' ' case key when "machine" then hostname = value when "login" then username = value when "password" then password = value end end "%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s" % [protocol, username, password, hostname, port, database] end def usage(s) $stderr.puts(s) $stderr.puts("Usage: #{File.basename($0)} --port --db --id --data ") exit(2) end main()