# netmask.rb -- find the netmask of the primary ipaddress # Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt # Copyright (C) 2007 Mark 'phips' Phillips # See LICENSE for the full license granted to you. # idea and originial source by Mark 'phips' Phillips def get_netmask netmask = nil; ipregex = %r{(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}} ops = nil case Facter.kernel when 'Linux' ops = { :ifconfig => '/sbin/ifconfig', :regex => %r{\s+ inet\saddr: #{Facter.ipaddress} .*? Mask: (#{ipregex})}x, :munge => nil, } when 'SunOS' ops = { :ifconfig => '/usr/sbin/ifconfig -a', :regex => %r{\s+ inet\s+? #{Facter.ipaddress} \+? mask (\w{8})}x, :munge => Proc.new { |mask| mask.scan(/../).collect do |byte| byte.to_i(16) end.join('.') } } end %x{#{ops[:ifconfig]}}.split(/\n/).collect do |line| matches = line.match(ops[:regex]) if !matches.nil? if ops[:munge].nil? netmask = matches[1] else netmask = ops[:munge].call(matches[1]) end end end netmask end Facter.add("netmask") do confine :kernel => [ :sunos, :linux ] setcode do get_netmask end end