# common/manifests/defines/replace.pp -- replace a pattern in a file with a string # Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt # See LICENSE for the full license granted to you. # A hack to replace all ocurrances of a regular expression in a file with a # specified string. Sometimes it can be less effort to replace only a single # value in a huge config file instead of creating a template out of it. Still, # creating a template is often better than this hack. # # This define uses perl regular expressions. # # Usage: # # replace { description: # file => "filename", # pattern => "regexp", # replacement => "replacement" # # Example: # To replace the current port in /etc/munin/munin-node.conf # with a new port, but only disturbing the file when needed: # # replace { set_munin_node_port: # file => "/etc/munin/munin-node.conf", # pattern => "^port (?!$port)[0-9]*", # replacement => "port $port" # } define replace($file, $pattern, $replacement) { $pattern_no_slashes = regsubst($pattern, '/', '\\/', 'G', 'U') $replacement_no_slashes = regsubst($replacement, '/', '\\/', 'G', 'U') exec { "replace_${pattern}_${file}": command => "/usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's/${pattern_no_slashes}/${replacement_no_slashes}/' '${file}'", onlyif => "/usr/bin/perl -ne 'BEGIN { \$ret = 1; } \$ret = 0 if /${pattern_no_slashes}/ && ! /\\Q${replacement_no_slashes}\\E/; END { exit \$ret; }' '${file}'", alias => "exec_$name", } }