# common/manifests/defines/concatenated_file.pp -- create a file from snippets # stored in a directory # # Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt # See LICENSE for the full license granted to you. module_dir { "common/cf": } # TODO: # * create the directory in _part too # This resource collects file snippets from a directory ($dir) and concatenates # them in lexical order of their names into a new file ($name). This can be # used to collect information from disparate sources, when the target file # format doesn't allow includes. # # concatenated_file_part can be used to easily configure content for this. # # If no $dir is specified, the target name with '.d' appended will be used. # # The $dir is purged by puppet and will only contain explicitely configured # files. This can be overridden by defining the directory before the # concatenated_file. # # Depend on File[$name] to change if and only if its contents change. Notify # Exec["concat_${name}"] if you want to force an update. # # Usage: # concatenated_file { "/etc/some.conf": # dir => "/etc/some.conf.d", # } define concatenated_file ( # where the snippets are located $dir = '', # a file with content to prepend $header = '', # a file with content to append $footer = '', # default permissions for the target file $mode = 0644, $owner = root, $group = 0 ) { $dir_real = $dir ? { '' => "${name}.d", default => $dir } $tmp_file_name = regsubst($dir_real, '/', '_', 'G') $tmp_file = "${module_dir_path}/${tmp_file_name}" if defined(File[$dir_real]) { debug("${dir_real} already defined") } else { file { $dir_real: source => "puppet:///common/empty", checksum => mtime, ignore => '.ignore', recurse => true, purge => true, force => true, mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, notify => Exec["concat_${name}"]; } } file { $tmp_file: ensure => present, checksum => md5, mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group; # decouple the actual file from the generation process by using a # temporary file and puppet's source mechanism. This ensures that events # for notify/subscribe will only be generated when there is an actual # change. $name: ensure => present, checksum => md5, source => $tmp_file, mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, require => File[$tmp_file]; } # if there is a header or footer file, add it $additional_cmd = $header ? { '' => $footer ? { '' => '', default => "| cat - '${footer}' " }, default => $footer ? { '' => "| cat '${header}' - ", default => "| cat '${header}' - '${footer}' " } } # use >| to force clobbering the target file exec { "concat_${name}": command => "/usr/bin/find ${dir_real} -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '*puppettmp' -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 cat ${additional_cmd} >| ${tmp_file}", subscribe => [ File[$dir_real] ], before => File[$tmp_file], alias => [ "concat_${dir_real}"], loglevel => info } } # Add a snippet called $name to the concatenated_file at $dir. # The file can be referenced as File["cf_part_${name}"] define concatenated_file_part ( $dir, $content = '', $ensure = present, $mode = 0644, $owner = root, $group = 0 ) { file { "${dir}/${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => $content, mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, alias => "cf_part_${name}", notify => Exec["concat_${dir}"], } }