class check_mk::install ( $filestore, $version, $workspace, ) { package { 'nagios': ensure => present, notify => Exec['set-nagiosadmin-password', 'set-guest-password', 'add-apache-to-nagios-group'], } file { '/etc/nagios/passwd': ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'apache', mode => '0640', } exec { 'set-nagiosadmin-password': command => '/usr/bin/htpasswd -b /etc/nagios/passwd nagiosadmin letmein', refreshonly => true, require => File['/etc/nagios/passwd'], } exec { 'set-guest-password': command => '/usr/bin/htpasswd -b /etc/nagios/passwd guest guest', refreshonly => true, require => File['/etc/nagios/passwd'], } exec { 'add-apache-to-nagios-group': command => '/usr/sbin/usermod -a -G nagios apache', refreshonly => true, } package { 'nagios-plugins-all': ensure => present, require => Package['nagios'], } package { [ 'xinetd', 'mod_python', 'make', 'gcc-c++', 'tar', 'gzip' ]: ensure => present, } file { "${workspace}/check_mk-${version}.tar.gz": ensure => present, source => "${filestore}/check_mk-${version}.tar.gz", } exec { 'unpack-check_mk-tarball': command => "/bin/tar -zxf ${workspace}/check_mk-${version}.tar.gz", cwd => $workspace, creates => "${workspace}/check_mk-${version}", require => File["${workspace}/check_mk-${version}.tar.gz"], } exec { 'change-setup-config-location': command => "/usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's#^SETUPCONF=.*?$#SETUPCONF=${workspace}/check_mk_setup.conf#' ${workspace}/check_mk-${version}/", unless => "/bin/egrep '^SETUPCONF=${workspace}/check_mk_setup.conf$' ${workspace}/check_mk-${version}/", require => Exec['unpack-check_mk-tarball'], } # Avoid header like 'Written by setup of check_mk 1.2.0p3 at Thu Feb 7 12:26:17 GMT 2013' # that changes every time the setup script is run exec { 'remove-setup-header': command => "/usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's#^DIRINFO=.*?$#DIRINFO=#' ${workspace}/check_mk-${version}/", unless => "/bin/egrep '^DIRINFO=$' ${workspace}/check_mk-${version}/", require => Exec['unpack-check_mk-tarball'], } file { "${workspace}/check_mk_setup.conf": ensure => present, content => template('check_mk/setup.conf.erb'), notify => Exec['check_mk-setup'], } file { '/etc/nagios/check_mk': ensure => directory, owner => 'nagios', group => 'nagios', recurse => true, require => Package['nagios'], } exec { 'check_mk-setup': command => "${workspace}/check_mk-${version}/ --yes", cwd => "${workspace}/check_mk-${version}", refreshonly => true, require => [ Exec['change-setup-config-location'], Exec['remove-setup-header'], Exec['unpack-check_mk-tarball'], File["${workspace}/check_mk_setup.conf"], File['/etc/nagios/check_mk'], Package['nagios'], ], notify => Class['check_mk::service'], } }