define check_mk::agent::generate_sshkey ( # dir on the check-mk-server where the collected key pairs are stored $keydir, # user/group the key should be owned by on the check-mk-server $keyuser = 'nagios', $keygroup = 'nagios', # dir on the check-mk-agent where the authorized_keys file is stored $authdir, # name of the authorized_keys file $authfile = undef, # dir on the puppetmaster where keys are stored # FIXME: need a way to ensure this dir is setup on the puppetmaster correctly #$ssh_key_basepath = "${common::moduledir::module_dir_path}/check_mk/keys", # for now use a dir we know works $ssh_key_basepath = '/etc/puppet/modules/check_mk/keys', # user on the client the check_mk server will ssh to, to run the agent $sshuser = 'root', $check_mk_tag = 'check_mk_sshkey' ){ # generate check-mk ssh keypair, stored on puppetmaster $ssh_key_name = "${::fqdn}_id_rsa" $ssh_keys = ssh_keygen("${ssh_key_basepath}/${ssh_key_name}") $public = split($ssh_keys[1],' ') $public_type = $public[0] $public_key = $public[1] $secret_key = $ssh_keys[0] # if we're not root we need to use sudo if $sshuser != 'root' { $command = 'sudo /usr/bin/check_mk_agent' } else { $command = '/usr/bin/check_mk_agent' } # setup the public half of the key in authorized_keys on the agent # and restrict it to running only the agent if $authdir or $authfile { # if $authkey or $authdir are set, override authorized_keys path and file # and also override using the built-in ssh_authorized_key since it may # not be able to write to $authdir sshd::ssh_authorized_key { $ssh_key_name: type => 'ssh-rsa', key => $public_key, user => $sshuser, target => "${authdir}/${authfile}", override_builtin => true, options => "command=\"${command}\""; } else { # otherwise use the defaults sshd::ssh_authorized_key { $ssh_key_name: type => 'ssh-rsa', key => $public_key, user => $sshuser, options => "command=\"${command}\""; } } # resource collector for the private half of the keys, these end up on # the check-mk-server host, and the user running check-mk needs access @@file { "${keydir}/${ssh_key_name}": content => $secret_key, owner => $keyuser, group => $keygroup, mode => '0600', tag => $check_mk_tag; } }