Examples for using this check_mk repository on debian ===================================================== What it does ============ * ssh authentication is configured to allow the server to execute check_mk on the client * omd is installed on the server * check_mk is installed as package on the client On the client ============= class site_check_mk::client { class { 'check_mk::agent': agent_package_name => 'check-mk-agent', agent_logwatch_package_name => 'check-mk-agent-logwatch', use_ssh => true, register_agent => false } } On the server ============= include check_mk::omd_repo class { 'check_mk': package => 'omd', omd_service_name => 'omd-1.00', http_service_name => 'apache2', omdadmin_htpasswd => trocla("${::fqdn}_omdadmin"), use_ssh => true; }