# check_mk Puppet module for installing and configuring a Nagios server with check_mk and check_mk agents. Agent hostnames are automatically added to the server all_hosts configuration using stored configs. Currently only tested on Redhat-like systems. ## Server * Installs nagios packages from EPEL. * Unpacks the check_mk tarball and runs the setup script - this requires installing the g++ compiler and related tools so if this is an issue then use the OMD distribution instead (which you should probably use anyway for any important setup). * Populates the all_hosts array in /etc/check_mk/main.mk with hostnames exported by check::agent classes on agent hosts ### Example class { 'check_mk': version => '1.2.0p3' } ### check_mk parameters *version*: The version in the check_mk tarball - for example if the tarball is 'check_mk-1.2.0p3.tar.gz' then the version is '1.2.0p3'. REQUIRED. *filestore*: The location of the tarball. Default: 'puppet:///files/check_mk' *workspace*: The directory to use to store files used during installation. Default: '/root/check_mk' ## Agent * Installs the check_mk-agent and check_mk-agent-logwatch RPMs * Configures the /etc/xinetd.d/check_mk configuration file ### Example class { 'check_mk::agent': version => '1.2.0p3-1', ip_whitelist => [ '', '' ], } ### check_mk::agent parameters *version*: The version in the check_mk packages - for example if the RPM is 'check_mk-agent-1.2.0p3-1.noarch.rpm' then the version is '1.2.0p3-1'. REQUIRED. *filestore*: The location of the tarball. Default: 'puppet:///files/check_mk' *ip_whitelist*: The list of IP addresses that are allowed to retrieve check_mk data. (Note that localhost is always allowed to connect.) By default any IP can connect. *port*: The port the check_mk agent listens on. Default: '6556' *server_dir*: The directory in which the check_mk_agent executable is located. Default: '/usr/bin' *use_cache*: Whether or not to cache the results - useful with redundant monitoring server setups. Default: 'false' *user*: The user that the agent runs as. Default: 'root' *workspace*: The directory to use to store files used during installation. Default: '/root/check_mk'