duplicity-backup-status ======================= Backupninja generates duplicity configfiles, this nagios plugin can check their freshness. Currently only the config files generated by backupninja can be parsed and we depend on that. ## Prerequisites Make sure you have python-argparse installed (yes an extra dependency, getopt doubles the amount of code, so I gave up on that). The Python script will look for the duplicity_freshness.sh shell script in /usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins/ or /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ make sure you copy it there and make executable. ## Getting started Run the python script from your nagios. Don't forget to specify some extras like when warnings or criticalities should be emerged. - -w WARNINC Number of hours allowed for incremential backup warning level default 28 - -W WARNFULL Number of hours allowed for incremential backup critical level default 40 - -c CRITINC Number of days allowed for full backup warning level default 52 - -C CRITFULL Number of days allowed for full backup critical level default 60 ## TODO: - make it cuter, tidy up - make it more robust - support other config backends as backupninja - this can be done by writing more scripts like backupninja_duplicity_freshness.sh and parsing an extra parameter