/* == Definition: augeas::lens Deploy an Augeas lens (and its test file). Check the lens (and run the unit tests) automatically and remove the files if the checks fail. Parameters: - *ensure*: present/absent - *lens_source*: the source for the lens - *test_source*: optionally, the source for the test file. Example usage: augeas::lens { 'networkmanager': lens_source => 'puppet:///modules/networkmanager/lenses/networkmanager.aug', test_source => 'puppet:///modules/networkmanager/lenses/test_networkmanager.aug', } */ define augeas::lens ( $lens_source, $ensure=present, $test_source=false ) { include augeas::base $lens_dest = "${augeas::base::lens_dir}/${name}.aug" $test_dest = "${augeas::base::lens_dir}/tests/test_${name}.aug" file { $lens_dest: ensure => $ensure, source => $lens_source, } exec { "Typecheck lens ${name}": command => "augparse -I ${augeas::base::lens_dir} ${lens_dest} || (rm -f ${lens_dest} && exit 1)", refreshonly => true, subscribe => File[$lens_dest], } if $test_source { file { $test_dest: ensure => $ensure, source => $test_source, notify => Exec["Test lens ${name}"], } exec { "Test lens ${name}": command => "augparse -I ${augeas::base::lens_dir} ${test_dest} || (rm -f ${lens_dest} && rm -f ${test_dest} && exit 1)", refreshonly => true, subscribe => File[$lens_dest, $test_dest], } } }