# Augeas Puppet module ## Usage Simple usage: include augeas ### Classes The module provides an `augeas` class which installs and configures Augeas. * lets you force the augeas version by defining `$augeas_version`, otherwise puppet will only ensure the packages are present; * lets you force the ruby library version by defining `$augeas_ruby_version`, otherwise puppet will only ensure the libaugeas-ruby version will be installed according to internal critera; * provides an `augeas()` master-side function to manipulate strings using Augeas; ### Definitions #### `augeas::lens` The `augeas::lens` definition allows you to deploy an Augeas lens and any associated test files, running unit tests and not installing if they fail: Parameters: - *ensure*: present/absent - *lens_source*: the source for the lens - *test_source*: optionally, the source for the test file. - *stock_since*: optionally, indicate in which version of Augeas the lens became stock, so it will not be deployed above that version. Example usage: augeas::lens { 'networkmanager': lens_source => 'puppet:///modules/networkmanager/lenses/networkmanager.aug', test_source => 'puppet:///modules/networkmanager/lenses/test_networkmanager.aug', stock_since => '1.0.0', } ### Functions #### `augeas()` Modifies a string using Augeas. *Example:* augeas("proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0\n", 'Fstab.lns', ['rm ./1/opt[3]']) Would result in: "proc /proc proc nodev,noexec 0 0\n" - *Type*: rvalue