path: root/plugins/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb b/plugins/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56e217a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat Inc.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Author: Bryan Kearney <>
+require 'augeas' if Puppet.features.augeas?
+Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do
+ include Puppet::Util
+ confine :true => Puppet.features.augeas?
+ has_features :parse_commands, :need_to_run?,:execute_changes
+ SAVE_NOOP = "noop"
+ SAVE_OVERWRITE = "overwrite"
+ attr_accessor :aug
+ # Extracts an 2 dimensional array of commands which are in the
+ # form of command path value.
+ # The input can be
+ # - A string with one command
+ # - A string with many commands per line
+ # - An array of strings.
+ def parse_commands(data)
+ commands =
+ if data.is_a?(String)
+ data.each_line do |line|
+ cmd_array =
+ single = line.index("'")
+ double = line.index('"')
+ tokens = nil
+ delim = " "
+ if ((single != nil) or (double != nil))
+ single = 99999 if single == nil
+ double = 99999 if double == nil
+ delim = '"' if double < single
+ delim = "'" if single < double
+ end
+ tokens = line.split(delim)
+ # If the length of tokens is 2, thn that means the pattern was
+ # command file "some text", therefore we need to re-split
+ # the first line
+ if tokens.length == 2
+ tokens = (tokens[0].split(" ")) << tokens[1]
+ end
+ cmd = tokens.shift().strip()
+ delim = "" if delim == " "
+ file = tokens.shift().strip()
+ other = tokens.join(" ").strip()
+ cmd_array << cmd if !cmd.nil?
+ cmd_array << file if !file.nil?
+ cmd_array << other if other != ""
+ commands << cmd_array
+ end
+ elsif data.is_a?(Array)
+ data.each do |datum|
+ commands.concat(parse_commands(datum))
+ end
+ end
+ return commands
+ end
+ def open_augeas
+ if (@aug.nil?)
+ flags = 0
+ (flags = 1 << 2 ) if self.resource[:type_check] == :true
+ root = self.resource[:root]
+ load_path = self.resource[:load_path]
+ debug("Opening augeas with root #{root}, lens path #{load_path}, flags #{flags}")
+ @aug =, load_path,flags)
+ if (self.get_augeas_version() >= "0.3.6")
+ debug("Augeas version #{self.get_augeas_version()} is installed")
+ end
+ end
+ @aug
+ end
+ def close_augeas
+ if (!@aug.nil?)
+ @aug.close()
+ debug("Closed the augeas connection")
+ @aug = nil;
+ end
+ end
+ # Used by the need_to_run? method to process get filters. Returns
+ # true if there is a match, false if otherwise
+ # Assumes a syntax of get /files/path [COMPARATOR] value
+ def process_get(cmd_array)
+ return_value = false
+ #validate and tear apart the command
+ fail ("Invalid command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") if cmd_array.length < 4
+ cmd = cmd_array.shift()
+ path = cmd_array.shift()
+ comparator = cmd_array.shift()
+ arg = cmd_array.join(" ")
+ #check the value in augeas
+ result = @aug.get(path) || ''
+ unless result.nil?
+ case comparator
+ when "!=":
+ return_value = true if !(result == arg)
+ when "=~":
+ regex =
+ loc = result=~ regex
+ return_value = true if ! loc.nil?
+ else
+ return_value = true if (result.send(comparator, arg))
+ end
+ end
+ return_value
+ end
+ # Used by the need_to_run? method to process match filters. Returns
+ # true if there is a match, false if otherwise
+ def process_match(cmd_array)
+ return_value = false
+ #validate and tear apart the command
+ fail("Invalid command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") if cmd_array.length < 4
+ cmd = cmd_array.shift()
+ path = cmd_array.shift()
+ verb = cmd_array.shift()
+ #Get the values from augeas
+ result = @aug.match(path) || ''
+ # Now do the work
+ unless (result.nil?)
+ case verb
+ when "size":
+ fail("Invalid command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") if cmd_array.length != 2
+ comparator = cmd_array.shift()
+ arg = cmd_array.shift().to_i
+ return_value = true if (result.size.send(comparator, arg))
+ when "include":
+ arg = cmd_array.join(" ")
+ return_value = true if result.include?(arg)
+ when "==":
+ begin
+ arg = cmd_array.join(" ")
+ new_array = eval arg
+ return_value = true if result == new_array
+ rescue
+ fail("Invalid array in command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return_value
+ end
+ def get_augeas_version
+ return @aug.get("/augeas/version") || ""
+ end
+ def set_augeas_save_mode(mode)
+ return @aug.set("/augeas/save", mode)
+ end
+ def files_changed?
+ saved_files = @aug.match("/augeas/events/saved")
+ return saved_files.size() > 0
+ end
+ # Determines if augeas acutally needs to run.
+ def need_to_run?
+ force = resource[:force]
+ return_value = true
+ self.open_augeas()
+ filter = resource[:onlyif]
+ unless (filter == "")
+ cmd_array = filter.split
+ command = cmd_array[0];
+ cmd_array[1]= File.join(resource[:context], cmd_array[1])
+ begin
+ data = nil
+ case command
+ when "get" then return_value = process_get(cmd_array)
+ when "match" then return_value = process_match(cmd_array)
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array[1..-1].inspect}/#{e.message}")
+ end
+ end
+ unless (force)
+ # If we have a verison of augeas which is at least 0.3.6 then we
+ # can make the changes now, see if changes were made, and
+ # actually do the save.
+ if ((return_value) and (self.get_augeas_version() >= "0.3.6"))
+ debug("Will attempt to save and only run if files changed")
+ self.set_augeas_save_mode(SAVE_NOOP)
+ self.do_execute_changes()
+ save_result =
+ saved_files = @aug.match("/augeas/events/saved")
+ if ((save_result) and (not files_changed?))
+ debug("Skipping becuase no files were changed")
+ return_value = false
+ else
+ debug("Files changed, should execute")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.close_augeas()
+ return return_value
+ end
+ def execute_changes
+ # Re-connect to augeas, and re-execute the changes
+ self.open_augeas()
+ if (self.get_augeas_version() >= "0.3.6")
+ self.set_augeas_save_mode(SAVE_OVERWRITE)
+ end
+ self.do_execute_changes()
+ success =
+ if (success != true)
+ fail("Save failed with return code #{success}")
+ end
+ self.close_augeas()
+ return :executed
+ end
+ # Actually execute the augeas changes.
+ def do_execute_changes
+ commands = resource[:changes].clone()
+ context = resource[:context]
+ commands.each do |cmd_array|
+ cmd_array = cmd_array.clone()
+ fail("invalid command #{cmd_array.join[" "]}") if cmd_array.length < 2
+ command = cmd_array[0]
+ cmd_array.shift()
+ begin
+ case command
+ when "set":
+ cmd_array[0]=File.join(context, cmd_array[0])
+ debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}")
+ @aug.set(cmd_array[0], cmd_array[1])
+ when "rm", "remove":
+ cmd_array[0]=File.join(context, cmd_array[0])
+ debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}")
+ @aug.rm(cmd_array[0])
+ when "clear":
+ cmd_array[0]=File.join(context, cmd_array[0])
+ debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}")
+ @aug.clear(cmd_array[0])
+ when "insert", "ins"
+ ext_array = cmd_array[1].split(" ") ;
+ if cmd_array.size < 2 or ext_array.size < 2
+ fail("ins requires 3 parameters")
+ end
+ label = cmd_array[0]
+ where = ext_array[0]
+ path = File.join(context, ext_array[1])
+ case where
+ when "before": before = true
+ when "after": before = false
+ else fail("Invalid value '#{where}' for where param")
+ end
+ debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{[label, where, path].inspect()}")
+ aug.insert(path, label, before)
+ else fail("Command '#{command}' is not supported")
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}/#{e.message}")
+ end
+ end
+ end