# apt.pp - common components and defaults for handling apt # Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt # See LICENSE for the full license granted to you. # # With hints from # Micah Anderson # * backports key class apt { # See README $real_apt_clean = $apt_clean ? { '' => 'auto', default => $apt_clean, } # a few templates need lsbdistcodename include assert_lsbdistcodename config_file { # include main, security and backports # additional sources could be included via an array "/etc/apt/sources.list": content => template("apt/sources.list.erb"), require => Exec[assert_lsbdistcodename]; # this just pins unstable and testing to very low values "/etc/apt/preferences": content => template("apt/preferences.erb"), # use File[apt_config] to reference a completed configuration # See "The Puppet Semaphor" 2007-06-25 on the puppet-users ML alias => apt_config, # only update together require => File["/etc/apt/sources.list"]; # little default settings which keep the system sane "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/from_puppet": content => "APT::Get::Show-Upgraded true;\nDSelect::Clean $real_apt_clean;\n", before => File[apt_config]; } $base_dir = "/var/lib/puppet/modules/apt" file { # remove my legacy files [ "/etc/apt/backports.key", "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local-conf" ]: ensure => removed; # create new modules dir $base_dir: ensure => directory; # watch apt.conf.d "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d": ensure => directory, checksum => mtime; } # suppress annoying help texts of dselect line { dselect_expert: file => "/etc/dpkg/dselect.cfg", line => "expert", ensure => present, } exec { "/usr/bin/apt-get -y update #on refresh": refreshonly => true, subscribe => [ File["/etc/apt/sources.list"], File["/etc/apt/preferences"], File["/etc/apt/apt.conf.d"], File[apt_config] ]; "/usr/bin/apt-get -y update && /usr/bin/apt-get autoclean #hourly": require => [ File["/etc/apt/sources.list"], File["/etc/apt/preferences"], File[apt_config] ], # Another Semaphor for all packages to reference alias => apt_updated; } case $lsbdistcodename { etch: { ## This package should really always be current package { "debian-archive-keyring": ensure => latest, } # This key was downloaded from # http://backports.org/debian/archive.key # and is needed to verify the backports file { "${base_dir}/backports.org.key": source => "puppet://$servername/apt/backports.org.key", mode => 0444, owner => root, group => root, before => File[apt_config], } exec { "/usr/bin/apt-key add ${base_dir}/backports.org.key": refreshonly => true, subscribe => File["${base_dir}/backports.org.key"], before => File[apt_config], } } } }