require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'../spec_helper')) describe 'apache::vhost::php::standard', :type => 'define' do let(:title){ '' } let(:facts){ { :fqdn => '', :operatingsystem => 'CentOS', :operatingsystemmajrelease => '7', } } describe 'with standard' do # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__webdir('') } it { should_not contain_class('mod_fcgid') } it { should_not contain_class('php::mod_fcgid') } it { should_not contain_class('apache::include::mod_fcgid') } it { should_not contain_class('php::scl::php54') } it { should_not contain_class('php::scl::php55') } it { should_not contain_class('php::extensions::smarty') } it { should contain_class('php') } it { should_not contain_mod_fcgid__starter('') } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__phpdirs('').with( :php_upload_tmp_dir => '/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/', :php_session_save_path => '/var/www/session.save_path/', )} # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost('').with( :template_partial => 'apache/vhosts/php/partial.erb', :passing_extension => 'php' )} it { should have_apache__vhost__php__safe_mode_bin_resource_count(0) } it { should contain_file('/var/www/vhosts/').with( :ensure => 'absent', :recurse => true, :force => true, :purge => true, )} # go deeper in the catalog and test the produced template it { should contain_apache__vhost__file('').with_content( " Include include.d/ ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/ DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php ErrorLog /var/www/vhosts/ CustomLog /var/www/vhosts/ combined AllowOverride None php_admin_flag engine on php_admin_value error_log /var/www/vhosts/ php_admin_value open_basedir /var/www/vhosts/ php_admin_flag safe_mode on php_admin_value session.save_path /var/www/session.save_path/ php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /var/www/upload_tmp_dir/ SecRuleEngine On SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly SecAuditLogType Concurrent SecAuditLogStorageDir /var/www/vhosts/ SecAuditLog /var/www/vhosts/ SecDebugLog /var/www/vhosts/ " )} end describe 'with standard and params' do let(:params) { { :php_settings => { 'safe_mode' => 'Off', } } } # go deeper in the catalog and test the produced template it { should contain_apache__vhost__file('').with_content( " Include include.d/ ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/ DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php ErrorLog /var/www/vhosts/ CustomLog /var/www/vhosts/ combined AllowOverride None php_admin_flag engine on php_admin_value error_log /var/www/vhosts/ php_admin_value open_basedir /var/www/vhosts/ php_admin_flag safe_mode off php_admin_value session.save_path /var/www/session.save_path/ php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /var/www/upload_tmp_dir/ SecRuleEngine On SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly SecAuditLogType Concurrent SecAuditLogStorageDir /var/www/vhosts/ SecAuditLog /var/www/vhosts/ SecDebugLog /var/www/vhosts/ " )} end describe 'with mod_fcgid' do let(:params){ { :run_mode => 'fcgid', :run_uid => 'foo', :run_gid => 'bar', } } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__webdir('') } it { should contain_class('mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('php::mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('apache::include::mod_fcgid') } it { should_not contain_class('php::scl::php54') } it { should_not contain_class('php::scl::php55') } it { should_not contain_class('php::extensions::smarty') } it { should contain_mod_fcgid__starter('').with( :tmp_dir => false, :cgi_type => 'php', :cgi_type_options => { "engine" =>"On", "upload_tmp_dir" =>"/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/", "session.save_path" =>"/var/www/session.save_path/", "error_log" =>"/var/www/vhosts/", "safe_mode" =>"On", "safe_mode_gid" =>"On", "safe_mode_exec_dir"=>:undef, "default_charset" =>:undef, "open_basedir" =>"/var/www/vhosts/" }, :owner => 'foo', :group => 'bar', :notify => 'Service[apache]', ) } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__phpdirs('').with( :php_upload_tmp_dir => '/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/', :php_session_save_path => '/var/www/session.save_path/', )} # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost('').with( :template_partial => 'apache/vhosts/php/partial.erb', :passing_extension => 'php' )} it { should have_apache__vhost__php__safe_mode_bin_resource_count(0) } it { should contain_file('/var/www/vhosts/').with( :ensure => 'absent', :recurse => true, :force => true, :purge => true, )} # go deeper in the catalog and test the produced template it { should contain_apache__vhost__file('').with_content( " Include include.d/ ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/ DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php ErrorLog /var/www/vhosts/ CustomLog /var/www/vhosts/ combined SuexecUserGroup foo bar FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 5000 FCGIWrapper /var/www/mod_fcgid-starters/ .php AddHandler fcgid-script .php AllowOverride None Options +ExecCGI SecRuleEngine On SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly SecAuditLogType Concurrent SecAuditLogStorageDir /var/www/vhosts/ SecAuditLog /var/www/vhosts/ SecDebugLog /var/www/vhosts/ " )} end describe 'with mod_fcgid scl 5.4' do let(:pre_condition){ 'include yum::prerequisites' } let(:params){ { :run_mode => 'fcgid', :run_uid => 'foo', :run_gid => 'bar', :php_installation => 'scl54', } } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__webdir('') } it { should contain_class('mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('php::mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('apache::include::mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('php::scl::php54') } it { should_not contain_class('php::scl::php55') } it { should_not contain_class('php::extensions::smarty') } it { should contain_mod_fcgid__starter('').with( :tmp_dir => false, :cgi_type => 'php', :cgi_type_options => { "engine" =>"On", "upload_tmp_dir" =>"/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/", "session.save_path" =>"/var/www/session.save_path/", "error_log" =>"/var/www/vhosts/", "safe_mode" =>:undef, "safe_mode_gid" =>:undef, "safe_mode_exec_dir"=>:undef, "default_charset" =>:undef, "open_basedir" =>"/var/www/vhosts/" }, :binary => '/opt/rh/php54/root/usr/bin/php-cgi', :additional_cmds => 'source /opt/rh/php54/enable', :rc => '/opt/rh/php54/root/etc', :owner => 'foo', :group => 'bar', :notify => 'Service[apache]', ) } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__phpdirs('').with( :php_upload_tmp_dir => '/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/', :php_session_save_path => '/var/www/session.save_path/', )} # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost('').with( :template_partial => 'apache/vhosts/php/partial.erb', :passing_extension => 'php' )} it { should have_apache__vhost__php__safe_mode_bin_resource_count(0) } it { should contain_file('/var/www/vhosts/').with( :ensure => 'absent', :recurse => true, :force => true, :purge => true, )} # go deeper in the catalog and test the produced template it { should contain_apache__vhost__file('').with_content( " Include include.d/ ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/ DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php ErrorLog /var/www/vhosts/ CustomLog /var/www/vhosts/ combined SuexecUserGroup foo bar FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 5000 FCGIWrapper /var/www/mod_fcgid-starters/ .php AddHandler fcgid-script .php AllowOverride None Options +ExecCGI SecRuleEngine On SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly SecAuditLogType Concurrent SecAuditLogStorageDir /var/www/vhosts/ SecAuditLog /var/www/vhosts/ SecDebugLog /var/www/vhosts/ " )} end describe 'with mod_fcgid with scl55' do let(:pre_condition){ 'include yum::prerequisites' } let(:params){ { :run_mode => 'fcgid', :run_uid => 'foo', :run_gid => 'bar', :php_installation => 'scl55', } } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__webdir('') } it { should contain_class('mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('php::mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('apache::include::mod_fcgid') } it { should_not contain_class('php::scl::php54') } it { should contain_class('php::scl::php55') } it { should_not contain_class('php::extensions::smarty') } it { should contain_mod_fcgid__starter('').with( :tmp_dir => false, :cgi_type => 'php', :cgi_type_options => { "engine" =>"On", "upload_tmp_dir" =>"/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/", "session.save_path" =>"/var/www/session.save_path/", "error_log" =>"/var/www/vhosts/", "safe_mode" =>:undef, "safe_mode_gid" =>:undef, "safe_mode_exec_dir"=>:undef, "default_charset" =>:undef, "open_basedir" =>"/var/www/vhosts/" }, :binary => '/opt/rh/php55/root/usr/bin/php-cgi', :additional_cmds => 'source /opt/rh/php55/enable', :rc => '/opt/rh/php55/root/etc', :owner => 'foo', :group => 'bar', :notify => 'Service[apache]', ) } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__phpdirs('').with( :php_upload_tmp_dir => '/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/', :php_session_save_path => '/var/www/session.save_path/', )} # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost('').with( :template_partial => 'apache/vhosts/php/partial.erb', :passing_extension => 'php' )} it { should have_apache__vhost__php__safe_mode_bin_resource_count(0) } it { should contain_file('/var/www/vhosts/').with( :ensure => 'absent', :recurse => true, :force => true, :purge => true, )} # go deeper in the catalog and test the produced template it { should contain_apache__vhost__file('').with_content( " Include include.d/ ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/ DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php ErrorLog /var/www/vhosts/ CustomLog /var/www/vhosts/ combined SuexecUserGroup foo bar FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 5000 FCGIWrapper /var/www/mod_fcgid-starters/ .php AddHandler fcgid-script .php AllowOverride None Options +ExecCGI SecRuleEngine On SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly SecAuditLogType Concurrent SecAuditLogStorageDir /var/www/vhosts/ SecAuditLog /var/www/vhosts/ SecDebugLog /var/www/vhosts/ " )} end describe 'with mod_fcgid and params' do let(:params){ { :run_mode => 'fcgid', :run_uid => 'foo', :run_gid => 'bar', :logmode => 'nologs', :php_options => { 'smarty' => true, 'pear' => true, 'safe_mode_exec_bins' => ['/usr/bin/cat'], } } } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__webdir('') } it { should contain_class('mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('php::mod_fcgid') } it { should contain_class('apache::include::mod_fcgid') } it { should_not contain_class('php::scl::php54') } it { should_not contain_class('php::scl::php55') } it { should contain_class('php::extensions::smarty') } it { should contain_mod_fcgid__starter('').with( :tmp_dir => false, :cgi_type => 'php', :cgi_type_options => { "engine" =>"On", "upload_tmp_dir" =>"/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/", "session.save_path" =>"/var/www/session.save_path/", "error_log" =>:undef, "safe_mode" =>"On", "safe_mode_gid" =>"On", "safe_mode_exec_dir"=>"/var/www/vhosts/", "default_charset" =>:undef, "open_basedir" =>"/usr/share/php/Smarty/:/usr/share/pear/:/var/www/vhosts/" }, :owner => 'foo', :group => 'bar', :notify => 'Service[apache]', ) } # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost__phpdirs('').with( :php_upload_tmp_dir => '/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/', :php_session_save_path => '/var/www/session.save_path/', )} # only test variables that are tuned it { should contain_apache__vhost('').with( :template_partial => 'apache/vhosts/php/partial.erb', :passing_extension => 'php' )} it { should have_apache__vhost__php__safe_mode_bin_resource_count(1) } it { should contain_apache__vhost__php__safe_mode_bin('').with( :ensure => 'present', :path => '/var/www/vhosts/', )} it { should contain_file('/var/www/vhosts/').with( :ensure => 'directory', :owner => 'apache', :group => '0', :recurse => true, :force => true, :purge => true, )} # go deeper in the catalog and test the produced template it { should contain_apache__vhost__file('').with_content( " Include include.d/ ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/ DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php ErrorLog /dev/null CustomLog /dev/null SuexecUserGroup foo bar FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 5000 FCGIWrapper /var/www/mod_fcgid-starters/ .php AddHandler fcgid-script .php AllowOverride None Options +ExecCGI SecRuleEngine On SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly SecAuditLogType Concurrent SecAuditLogStorageDir /var/www/vhosts/ SecAuditLog /var/www/vhosts/ SecDebugLog /var/www/vhosts/ " )} end end