# template_partial: # which template should be used to generate the type specific part # of the vhost entry. # # domainalias: # - absent: no domainalias is set (*default*) # - www: domainalias is set to www.$domain # - else: domainalias is set to that # # ssl_mode: wether this vhost supports ssl or not # - false: don't enable ssl for this vhost (default) # - true: enable ssl for this vhost # - force: enable ssl and redirect non-ssl to ssl # - only: enable ssl only # # logmode: # - default: Do normal logging to CustomLog and ErrorLog # - nologs: Send every logging to /dev/null # - anonym: Don't log ips for CustomLog, send ErrorLog to /dev/null # - semianonym: Don't log ips for CustomLog, log normal ErrorLog # # run_mode: controls in which mode the vhost should be run, there are different setups # possible: # - normal: (*default*) run vhost with the current active worker (default: prefork) don't # setup anything special # - itk: run vhost with the mpm_itk module (Incompatibility: cannot be used in combination # with 'proxy-itk' & 'static-itk' mode) # - proxy-itk: run vhost with a dual prefork/itk setup, where prefork just proxies all the # requests for the itk setup, that listens only on the loobpack device. # (Incompatibility: cannot be used in combination with the itk setup.) # - static-itk: run vhost with a dual prefork/itk setup, where prefork serves all the static # content and proxies the dynamic calls to the itk setup, that listens only on # the loobpack device (Incompatibility: cannot be used in combination with # 'itk' mode) # # run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module # run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module # # mod_security: Whether we use mod_security or not (will include mod_security module) # - false: don't activate mod_security # - true: (*default*) activate mod_security # define apache::vhost::template( $ensure = present, $path = 'absent', $path_is_webdir = false, $logpath = 'absent', $logmode = 'default', $logprefix = '', $domain = 'absent', $domainalias = 'absent', $server_admin = 'absent', $allow_override = 'None', $dav_db_dir = 'absent', $cgi_binpath = 'absent', $do_includes = false, $options = 'absent', $additional_options = 'absent', $default_charset = 'absent', $php_options = {}, $php_settings = {}, $run_mode = 'normal', $run_uid = 'absent', $run_gid = 'absent', $template_partial = 'apache/vhosts/static/partial.erb', $ssl_mode = false, $mod_security = true, $mod_security_relevantonly = true, $mod_security_rules_to_disable = [], $mod_security_additional_options = 'absent', $use_mod_macro = false, $htpasswd_file = 'absent', $htpasswd_path = 'absent', $ldap_auth = false, $ldap_user = 'any', $passing_extension = 'absent', $gempath = 'absent' ){ $real_path = $path ? { 'absent' => $::operatingsystem ? { openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}", default => "/var/www/vhosts/${name}" }, default => $path } if $path_is_webdir { $documentroot = $real_path } else { $documentroot = "${real_path}/www" } $logdir = $logpath ? { 'absent' => "${real_path}/logs", default => $logpath } $servername = $domain ? { 'absent' => $name, default => $domain } $serveralias = $domainalias ? { 'absent' => '', 'www' => "www.${servername}", default => $domainalias } if $htpasswd_path == 'absent' { $real_htpasswd_path = "/var/www/htpasswds/${name}" } else { $real_htpasswd_path = $htpasswd_path } case $run_mode { 'proxy-itk': { $logfileprefix = 'proxy' } 'static-itk': { $logfileprefix = 'static' } } case $run_mode { 'fcgid','itk','proxy-itk','static-itk': { case $run_uid { 'absent': { fail("you have to define run_uid for ${name} on ${::fqdn}") } } case $run_gid { 'absent': { fail("you have to define run_gid for ${name} on ${::fqdn}") } } } } # dav db dir case $dav_db_dir { 'absent': { $real_dav_db_dir = "/var/www/dav_db_dir/${name}" } default: { $real_dav_db_dir = $dav_db_dir } } apache::vhost::file{$name: ensure => $ensure, do_includes => $do_includes, run_mode => $run_mode, ssl_mode => $ssl_mode, logmode => $logmode, mod_security => $mod_security, htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file, htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path, use_mod_macro => $use_mod_macro, } if $ensure != 'absent' { Apache::Vhost::File[$name]{ content => $run_mode ? { 'proxy-itk' => template('apache/vhosts/itk_plus.erb'), 'static-itk' => template('apache/vhosts/itk_plus.erb'), default => template('apache/vhosts/default.erb'), } } } }