# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the mod_passenger module # run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the mod_passenger module # # logmode: # # - default: Do normal logging to CustomLog and ErrorLog # - nologs: Send every logging to /dev/null # - anonym: Don't log ips for CustomLog, send ErrorLog to /dev/null # - semianonym: Don't log ips for CustomLog, log normal ErrorLog # # mod_security: Whether we use mod_security or not (will include mod_security module) # - false: don't activate mod_security # - true: (*defaul*) activate mod_security # define apache::vhost::passenger( $ensure = present, $domain = 'absent', $domainalias = 'absent', $server_admin = 'absent', $logmode = 'default', $path = 'absent', $manage_webdir = true, $manage_docroot = true, $template_mode = 'passenger', $owner = root, $group = apache, $documentroot_owner = apache, $documentroot_group = 0, $documentroot_mode = 0640, $run_uid = 'absent', $run_gid = 'absent', $allow_override = 'None', $do_includes = false, $options = 'absent', $additional_options = 'absent', $default_charset = 'absent', $mod_security = true, $mod_security_relevantonly = true, $ssl_mode = false, $vhost_mode = 'template', $vhost_source = 'absent', $vhost_destination = 'absent', $htpasswd_file = 'absent', $htpasswd_path = 'absent', $passenger_ree = false ){ if $passenger_ree { include ::passenger::ree::apache } else { include ::passenger::apache } if $manage_webdir { # create webdir ::apache::vhost::webdir{$name: ensure => $ensure, path => $path, owner => $owner, group => $group, run_mode => 'normal', manage_docroot => $manage_docroot, documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner, documentroot_group => $run_gid, documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode, } } # create vhost configuration file ::apache::vhost{$name: ensure => $ensure, path => "${path}/www/public", path_is_webdir => true, template_mode => $template_mode, template_partial => 'apache/vhosts/passenger/partial.erb', logmode => $logmode, logpath => "${path}/logs", vhost_mode => $vhost_mode, vhost_source => $vhost_source, vhost_destination => $vhost_destination, domain => $domain, domainalias => $domainalias, server_admin => $server_admin, run_mode => 'normal', run_uid => $run_uid, run_gid => $run_gid, allow_override => $allow_override, do_includes => $do_includes, options => $options, additional_options => $additional_options, default_charset => $default_charset, ssl_mode => $ssl_mode, htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file, htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path, mod_security => $mod_security, mod_security_relevantonly => $mod_security_relevantonly, } }