# htpasswd_file: wether to deploy a passwd for this vhost or not # - absent: ignore (default) # - nodeploy: htpasswd file isn't deployed by this mechanism # - else: try to deploy the file # # htpasswd_path: where to deploy the passwd file # - absent: standardpath (default) # - else: path to deploy # define apache::vhost::file( $ensure = present, $vhost_source = 'absent', $vhost_destination = 'absent', $content = 'absent', $do_includes = false, $htpasswd_file = 'absent', $htpasswd_path = 'absent', $use_mod_macro = false ){ $vhosts_dir = $operatingsystem ? { centos => "$apache::centos::config_dir/vhosts.d", gentoo => "$apache::gentoo::config_dir/vhosts.d", debian => "$apache::debian::config_dir/sites-enabled", ubuntu => "$apache::ubuntu::config_dir/sites-enabled", openbsd => "$apache::openbsd::config_dir/vhosts.d", default => '/etc/apache2/vhosts.d', } $real_vhost_destination = $vhost_destination ? { 'absent' => "$vhosts_dir/$name.conf", default => $vhost_destination, } file{"${name}.conf": ensure => $ensure, path => $real_vhost_destination, require => File[vhosts_dir], notify => Service[apache], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644; } if $do_includes { include ::apache::includes } if $use_mod_macro { include ::apache::mod_macro } case $content { 'absent': { $real_vhost_source = $vhost_source ? { 'absent' => [ "puppet://$server/modules/site-apache/vhosts.d/$fqdn/$name.conf", "puppet://$server/modules/site-apache/vhosts.d/$apache_cluster_node/$name.conf", "puppet://$server/modules/site-apache/vhosts.d/$operatingsystem.$lsbdistcodename/$name.conf", "puppet://$server/modules/site-apache/vhosts.d/$operatingsystem/$name.conf", "puppet://$server/modules/site-apache/vhosts.d/$name.conf", "puppet://$server/modules/apache/vhosts.d/$operatingsystem.$lsbdistcodename/$name.conf", "puppet://$server/modules/apache/vhosts.d/$operatingsystem/$name.conf", "puppet://$server/modules/apache/vhosts.d/$name.conf" ], default => "puppet://$server/$vhost_source", } File["${name}.conf"]{ source => $real_vhost_source, } } default: { File["${name}.conf"]{ content => $content, } } } case $htpasswd_file { 'absent','nodeploy': { info("don't deploy a htpasswd file for ${name}") } default: { if $htpasswd_path == 'absent' { $real_htpasswd_path = "/var/www/htpasswds/$name" } else { $real_htpasswd_path = $htpasswd_path } file{$real_htpasswd_path: ensure => $ensure, source => [ "puppet://$server/modules/site-apache/htpasswds/$fqdn/$name", "puppet://$server/modules/site-apache/htpasswds/$apache_cluster_node/$name", "puppet://$server/modules/site-apache/htpasswds/$name" ], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644; } } } }