# setup autoconfig infos # # this will create a global autoconfig file, that maps # any of your hosted domains on this host to a certain # provider configuration. Which means, that you get a zero # setup autoconfig for any domain that you host the website # and the emails for. # By default you only need to define the provider, which # is usually your main domain. Everything else should be # derived from that. # You can however still fine tune things from it. class apache::mozilla_autoconfig( $provider, $display_name = undef, $shortname = undef, $imap_server = undef, $pop_server = undef, $smtp_server = undef, $documentation_url = undef, ) { apache::config::global { 'mozilla_autoconfig.conf': } file{ '/var/www/autoconfig': ensure => directory, require => Package['apache'], owner => root, group => apache, mode => '0640'; '/var/www/autoconfig/config.shtml': content => template('apache/webfiles/autoconfig/config.shtml.erb'), owner => root, group => apache, mode => '0640', before => Service['apache'], } }