# php/manifests/init.pp - various ways of installing php # Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt # changed and improved by immerda project group admin(at)immerda.ch # See LICENSE for the full license granted to you. class php::base { package{php: ensure => installed, before => Service[apache], notify => Service[apache], } file{php_ini_config: path => "/etc/php/apache2-php5/php.ini", source => [ "puppet://$server/files/apache/php/apache2_php5_php.ini/${fqdn}/php.ini", "puppet://$server/files/apache/php/apache2_php5_php.ini/php.ini", "puppet://$server/apache/php/apache2_php5_php.ini/php.ini" ], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644, require => [ Package[php], Package[apache] ], notify => Service[apache], } } class php::centos inherits php::base {} define php::debian::pear ($version = '') { include "php::debian::pear::common" package { "php${version}-${name}": ensure => installed } } class php::debian::pear::common { package { ["php-pear", "php5-common" ]: ensure => installed } } class php::debian inherits php::base { #dunno yet about this config file under debian File[php_ini_config]{ ensure => absent, } Package[php]{ name => 'php5', } package { [ "php5", "php5-cli", "libapache2-mod-php5", "phpunit2" ]: ensure => installed, required => Package[php], } php::debian::pear { [ "auth-pam", "curl", "idn", "imap", "json", "ldap", "mcrypt", "mhash", "ming", "mysql", "odbc", "pgsql", "ps", "pspell", "recode", "snmp", "sqlite", "sqlrelay", "tidy", "uuid", "xapian", "xmlrpc", "xsl" ]: version => 5 } include "php::debian::common" } # ubuntu might be the same as debian class php::ubuntu inherits php::debian {} class php::debian::common { php::pear { [ auth, benchmark, cache, cache-lite, date, db, file, fpdf, gettext, html-template-it, http, http-request, log, mail, mail-mime, net-checkip, net-dime, net-ftp, net-imap, net-ldap, net-sieve, net-smartirc, net-smtp, net-socket, net-url, pager, radius, simpletest, services-weather, soap, sqlite3, xajax, xml-parser, xml-serializer, xml-util ]: } } class php::gentoo inherits php::base { Package[php]{ category => 'dev-lang', } }