# modules/apache/manifests/init.pp # 2008 - admin(at)immerda.ch # License: GPLv3 class apache { case $operatingsystem { centos: { include apache::centos } gentoo: { include apache::gentoo } debian: { include apache::debian } ubuntu: { include apache::ubuntu } default: { include apache::base } } } class apache::base { file{'vhosts_dir': path => '/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/', ensure => directory, owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0755, require => Package[apache], } package { 'apache': name => 'apache', ensure => present, } service { apache: name => 'apache2', enable => true, ensure => running, require => Package[apache], } file { 'default_apache_index': path => '/var/www/localhost/index.html', ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 0, mode => 644, require => Package[apache], content => template('apache/default/default_index.erb'), } } ### distro specific stuff class apache::centos inherits apache::base{ $config_dir = '/etc/httpd/' Package[apache]{ name => 'httpd', } Service[apache]{ name => 'httpd' } package { 'mod_ssl': name => 'mod_ssl', ensure => present, require => Package[apache], } File[default_apache_index]{ path => '/var/www/html/index.html', } File[vhosts_dir]{ path => "$config_dir/vhosts.d/", } } class apache::gentoo inherits apache::base { $config_dir = '/etc/apache2/' # needs module gentoo gentoo::etcconfd { apache2: } Package[apache]{ category => 'www-servers', } File[vhosts_dir]{ path => "$config_dir/vhosts.d/", } apache::vhost::file { '00_default_ssl_vhost': } apache::vhost::file { '00_default_vhost': } apache::config::file { 'default_vhost.include': source => 'apache/vhosts.d/default_vhost.include', destination => '$config_dir/vhosts.d/default_vhost.include', } } class apache::debian inherits apache::base { $config_dir = '/etc/apache2/' file {"vhosts_dir": ensure => '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/', } } # ubuntu is similar to debian therefor inheritng from there class apache::ubuntu inherits apache::debian {} class apache::openbsd inherits apache::base { $config_dir = '/var/www/conf/' File[vhosts_dir]{ path => "$config_dir/vhosts.d/", } } ### config things define apache::vhost::file( $source = '', $destination = '' ){ $vhosts_dir = $operatingsystem ? { centos => "$apache::centos::config_dir/vhosts.d/", gentoo => "$apache::gentoo::config_dir/vhosts.d/", debian => "$apache::debian::config_dir/vhosts.d/", ubuntu => "$apache::ubuntu::config_dir/vhosts.d/", openbsd => "$apache::openbsd::config_dir/vhosts.d/", default => '/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/', } $real_destination = $destination ? { '' => "${vhosts_dir}/${name}.conf", default => $destination, } $real_source = $source ? { '' => [ "puppet://$server/dist/apache/vhosts.d/${fqdn}/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/dist/apache/vhosts.d/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/${fqdn}/${name}.conf" ], default => "puppet://$server/$source", } file{"vhost_${name}.conf": path => $real_destination, source => "$real_source", owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644, require => File[$vhosts_dir], require => Package[apache], notify => Service[apache], } } define apache::config::file( $source = '', $destination = '' ){ $real_source = $source ? { # get a whole bunch of possible sources if there is no specific source for that config-file '' => [ "puppet://$server/apache/conf/${fqdn}/${name}", "puppet://$server/dist/apache/conf/${fqdn}/${name}", "puppet://$server/apache/conf/${name}.${operatingsystem}.${lsbdistcodename}", "puppet://$server/apache/conf/${name}.${operatingsystem}", "puppet://$server/apache/conf/${name}.Default" ], default => "puppet://$server/$source", } $real_destination = $destination ? { '' => $operatingsystem ? { centos => "$apache::centos::config_dir/${name}", gentoo => "$apache::gentoo::config_dir/${name}", debian => "$apache::debian::config_dir/${name}", ubuntu => "$apache::ubuntu::config_dir/${name}", openbsd => "$apache::openbsd::config_dir/${name}", default => "/etc/apache2/${name}", }, default => $destination } file{"apache_${name}": path => $real_destination, source => $real_source, owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644, require => Class[apache], notify => Service[apache], } }