# manifests/defines.pp # This file contains various defines to work with apache. # They are separated into various categories: # # - common vhosts # - vhost deploy # - configuration defines # - wrapper defines ### common vhosts # vhost_mode: which option is choosed to deploy the vhost # - template: generate it from a template (default) # - file: deploy a vhost file (apache::vhost::file will be called directly) # define apache::vhost::static( $domain = 'absent', $domainalias = 'absent', $path = 'absent', $owner = root, $user_owner = root, $group = 0, $mode = 0640, $apache_user = apache, $apache_group = 0, $apache_mode = 0640, $allow_override = 'None', $additional_options = 'absent', $ssl_mode = 'false', $vhost_mode = 'template', $vhost_source = 'absent', $vhost_destination = 'absent' ){ apache::vhost::webhostdir{$name: path => $path, owner => $owner, user_owner => $user_owner, group => $group, mode => $mode, apache_user => $apache_user, apache_group => $apache_group, } apache::vhost{"${name}": path => $path, vhost_mode => $vhost_mode, source => $vhost_source, destination => $vhost_destination, domain => $domain, domainalias => $domainalias, allow_override => $allow_override, additional_options => $additional_options, template_mode => 'static', ssl_mode => $ssl_mode, mod_security => 'false', } } define apache::vhost::php::standard( $domain = 'absent', $domainalias = 'absent', $path = 'absent', $owner = root, $user_owner = root, $group = 0, $mode = 0640, $apache_user = apache, $apache_group = 0, $apache_mode = 0640, $allow_override = 'None', $upload_tmp_dir = 'absent', $session_save_path = 'absent', $additional_options = 'absent', $mod_security = 'true', $vhost_mode = 'template', $vhost_source = 'absent', $vhost_destination = 'absent' ){ apache::vhost::webhostdir{$name: path => $path, owner => $owner, user_owner => $user_owner, group => $group, mode => $mode, apache_user => $apache_user, apache_group => $apache_group, } case $upload_tmp_dir { 'absent': { include apache::defaultphpdirs $real_upload_tmp_dir = "/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/${name}" } default: { $real_upload_tmp_dir = $upload_tmp_dir } } file{"$upload_tmp_dir": ensure => directory, owner => $apache_user, group => $apache_group, mode => $apache_mode; } case $session_save_path { 'absent': { include apache::defaultphpdirs $real_session_save_path = "/var/www/session.save_path/${name}" } default: { $real_session_save_path = $session_save_path } } file{"$session_save_path": ensure => directory, owner => $apache_user, group => $apache_group, mode => $apache_mode; } apache::vhost{"${name}": path => $path, template_mode => 'php', vhost_mode => $vhost_mode, source => $vhost_source, destination => $vhost_destination, domain => $domain, domainalias => $domainalias, allow_override => $allow_override, additional_options => $additional_options, php_upload_tmp_dir => $real_upload_tmp_dir, php_session_save_path => $real_session_save_path, ssl_mode => $ssl_mode, mod_security => $mod_security, } } ### vhost deploy stuff # these defines are used to deploy a vhost file # This define is used to wrap the other vhost defines. # # vhost_mode: which option is choosed to deploy the vhost # - template: generate it from a template (default) # - file: deploy a vhost file (apache::vhost::file will be called directly) # define apache::vhost( $path = 'absent', $template_mode = 'static', $vhost_mode = 'template', $source = 'absent', $destination = 'absent', $content = 'absent', $domain = 'absent', $domainalias = 'absent', $allow_override = 'None', $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent', $php_session_save_path = 'absent', $additional_options = 'absent', $template_mode = 'static', $ssl_mode = 'false', $mod_security = 'true' ) { case $vhost_mode { 'file': { apache::vhost::file{"${name}": source => $vhost_source, destination => $vhost_destination, } } 'template': { apache::vhost::template{"${name}": path => $path, domain => $domain, domainalias => $domainalias, php_upload_tmp_dir => $php_upload_tmp_dir, php_session_save_path => $php_session_save_path, allow_override => $allow_override, additional_options => $additional_options, template_mode => $template_mode, ssl_mode => $ssl_mode, mod_security => 'false', } } default: { fail("no such vhost_mode: ${vhost_mode} defined for ${name}.") } } } define apache::vhost::file( $source = 'absent', $destination = 'absent', $content = 'absent' ){ $vhosts_dir = $operatingsystem ? { centos => "$apache::centos::config_dir/vhosts.d/", gentoo => "$apache::gentoo::config_dir/vhosts.d/", debian => "$apache::debian::config_dir/vhosts.d/", ubuntu => "$apache::ubuntu::config_dir/vhosts.d/", openbsd => "$apache::openbsd::config_dir/vhosts.d/", default => '/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/', } $real_destination = $destination ? { 'absent' => "${vhosts_dir}/${name}.conf", default => $destination, } file{"${name}.conf": path => $real_destination, require => File[vhosts_dir], notify => Service[apache], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644; } case $content { 'absent': { $real_source = $source ? { 'absent' => [ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhosts.d/${fqdn}/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhosts.d/${apache_cluster_node}/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhosts.d/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/${operatingsystem}.${lsbdistcodename}/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/${operatingsystem}/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/${name}.conf" ], default => "puppet://$server/$source", } File["${name}.conf"]{ source => $real_source, } } default: { File["${name}.conf"]{ content => $content, } } } } # template_mode: # - php -> for a default php application # - static -> for a static application (default) # ssl_mode: wether this vhost supports ssl or not # - false: don't enable ssl for this vhost (default) # - true: enable ssl for this vhost # - force: enable ssl and redirect non-ssl to ssl define apache::vhost::template( $path = 'absent', $domain = 'absent', $domainalias = 'absent', $allow_override = 'None', $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent', $php_session_save_path = 'absent', $additional_options = 'absent', $template_mode = 'static', $ssl_mode = 'false', $mod_security = 'true' ){ $real_path = $path ? { 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? { openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}", default => "/var/www/${name}" }, default => "${path}" } $documentroot = "${real_path}/www" $logdir = "${real_path}/logs" $servername = $domain ? { 'absent' => $name, default => $domain } $serveralias = $domainalias ? { 'absent' => '', default => $domainalias } apache::vhost::file{"$name": content => template("apache/vhosts/${template_mode}/${operatingsystem}.erb"), } } ### configuration defines # These defines are used to configured the apache # define apache::config::file( $source = '', $destination = '' ){ $real_source = $source ? { # get a whole bunch of possible sources if there is no specific source for that config-file '' => [ "puppet://$server/files/apache/conf.d/${fqdn}/${name}", "puppet://$server/files/apache/conf.d/${apache_cluster_node}/${name}", "puppet://$server/files/apache/conf.d/${name}", "puppet://$server/apache/conf.d/${operatingsystem}.${lsbdistcodename}/${name}", "puppet://$server/apache/conf.d/${operatingsystem}/${name}", "puppet://$server/apache/conf.d/${name}" ], default => "puppet://$server/$source", } $real_destination = $destination ? { '' => $operatingsystem ? { centos => "$apache::centos::config_dir/conf.d/${name}", gentoo => "$apache::gentoo::config_dir/${name}", debian => "$apache::debian::config_dir/conf.d/${name}", ubuntu => "$apache::ubuntu::config_dir/conf.d/${name}", openbsd => "$apache::openbsd::config_dir/conf.d/${name}", default => "/etc/apache2/${name}", }, default => $destination } file{"apache_${name}": path => $real_destination, source => $real_source, notify => Service[apache], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644; } case $operatingsystem { openbsd: { info("no package dependency on ${operatingsystem} for ${name}") } default: { File["apache_${name}"]{ require => Package[apache], } } } } define apache::centos::module( $source = '', $destination = '' ){ $modules_dir = "$apache::centos::config_dir/modules.d/" $real_destination = $destination ? { '' => "${modules_dir}/${name}.so", default => $destination, } $real_source = $source ? { '' => [ "puppet://$server/files/apache/modules.d/${fqdn}/${name}.so", "puppet://$server/files/apache/modules.d/${apache_cluster_node}/${name}.so", "puppet://$server/files/apache/modules.d/${name}.so", "puppet://$server/apache/modules.d/${operatingsystem}/${name}.so", "puppet://$server/apache/modules.d/${name}.so" ], default => "puppet://$server/$source", } file{"modules_${name}.conf": path => $real_destination, source => $real_source, require => [ File[modules_dir], Package[apache] ], notify => Service[apache], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0755; } } define apache::gentoo::module( $source = '', $destination = '' ){ $modules_dir = "$apache::gentoo::config_dir/modules.d/" $real_destination = $destination ? { '' => "${modules_dir}/${name}.conf", default => $destination, } $real_source = $source ? { '' => [ "puppet://$server/files/apache/modules.d/${fqdn}/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/files/apache/modules.d/${apache_cluster_node}/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/files/apache/modules.d/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/apache/modules.d/${operatingsystem}/${name}.conf", "puppet://$server/apache/modules.d/${name}.conf" ], default => "puppet://$server/$source", } file{"modules_${name}.conf": path => $real_destination, source => $real_source, require => [ File[modules_dir], Package[apache] ], notify => Service[apache], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644; } } ### wrapper defines # These defines are mostly wrappers for the common setup. # They are mainly called by the other defines define apache::vhost::webhostdir( $path = 'absent', $owner = root, $user_owner = root, $group = 0, $mode = 0640, $apache_user = apache, $apache_group = 0 ){ $real_path = $path ? { 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? { openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}", default => "/var/www/${name}" }, default => "${path}" } $documentroot = "${real_path}/www" $logdir = "${real_path}/logs" case $apache_user { apache: { case $apache_default_user { '': { $real_apache_user = $operatingsystem ? { openbsd => 'www', default => $apache_user } } default: { $real_apache_user = $apache_default_user } } } default: { $real_apache_user = $apache_default_user } } case $apache_group { apache: { case $apache_default_group { '': { $real_apache_group = $operatingsystem ? { openbsd => 'www', default => $apache_group } } default: { $real_apache_group = $apache_default_group } } } default: { $real_apache_group = $apache_default_group } } file{"$real_path": ensure => directory, owner => $owner, group => $real_apache_group, mode => '0750'; } file{"$documentroot": ensure => directory, owner => $user_owner, group => $real_apache_group, mode => $mode; } # the logdir must be writeable by the apache and the user file{"$logdir": ensure => directory, owner => $real_apache_user, group => $group, mode => 775; } }