describeComponent('tags/ui/tag_list', function () { 'use strict'; var tag = function(name, ident, def) { def = def || false; return {name: name, counts: {read: 0, total: 0, replied: 0, starred: 0}, ident: ident, default: def}; }; describe('post initialization', function() { beforeEach(function () { setupComponent(); }); it('should render tags when tagsList:load is received', function() { this.component.attr.default = false; var tagList = [tag('tag1', 1), tag('tag2', 2), tag('tag3', 3)]; $(document).trigger(, {tags: tagList}); var items =$node.find('li'), function(el) { return $(el).attr('id'); }); expect(items).toEqual(['tag-1', 'tag-2', 'tag-3']); }); it('should render the default tags when tagsList:load is received and default attribute is true', function() { var tagList = [tag('tag1', 1, false), tag('tag2', 2, true), tag('tag3', 3, true)]; $(document).trigger(, {tags: tagList}); var items ='defaultTagList').find('li'), function(el) { return $(el).attr('id'); }); expect(items).toEqual(['tag-2', 'tag-3']); }); it('should render the custom tags when tagsList:load is received and default attribute is false', function() { var tagList = [tag('tag1', 1, false), tag('tag2', 2, true), tag('tag3', 3, true)]; $(document).trigger(, {tags: tagList}); var items ='customTagList').find('li'), function(el) { return $(el).attr('id'); }); expect(items).toEqual(['tag-1']); }); it('should trigger event to tell that tags were loaded sending the current tag', function () { this.component.attr.currentTag = 'Drafts'; var tagsLoadedEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; $(document).trigger(, {tags: [] }); expect(tagsLoadedEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { tag: 'Drafts'}); }); it('should send tag as undefined when tags are loaded and no tag was selected yet', function () { var tagsLoadedEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; $(document).trigger(, {tags: [] }); expect(tagsLoadedEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { tag: undefined }); }); it('should save the current tag when a tag is selected', function () { $(document).trigger(, { tag: 'amazing'}); expect(this.component.attr.currentTag).toEqual('amazing'); }); }); });