describeComponent('tags/ui/tag', function () { 'use strict'; describe('inbox tag', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.setupComponent('
  • ', { tag: { name: 'inbox', ident: '1', counts: { total: 100, read: 0 } } }); }); it('selects the tag on click', function () { var tagSelectEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.$; expect(this.$node.attr('class')).toMatch('selected'); expect(tagSelectEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { tag: 'inbox' }); }); it('should remove selected class when selecting a different tag', function () { this.$; $(document).trigger(, {tag: 'drafts'}); expect(this.$node).not.toHaveClass('selected'); }); it('triggers tag selected on tag select', function () { var tagSelectedEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; $(document).trigger(, { tag: 'drafts'}); expect(tagSelectedEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { tag: 'drafts'}); }); describe('increasing count read when email is read', function () { it('doesnt update if mail.tags or mail.mailbox dont match the tag name', function () { this.setupComponent('
  • ', { tag: { name: 'sometag', ident: '1', counts: { total: 100, read: 0 } } }); $(document).trigger(, { tags: ['someothertag'], mailbox: 'inbox' }); expect(; }); it('looks at the mail mailbox attr for default tags', function () { $(document).trigger(, { tags: [], mailbox: 'inbox' }); expect(; expect(this.$node.html()).toMatch('99'); }); it('looks at the mail tags for non default tags', function () { this.setupComponent('
  • ', { tag: { name: 'tag', ident: '1', counts: { total: 100, read: 0 } } }); $(document).trigger(, { tags: ['tag'], mailbox: 'inbox' }); expect(; expect(this.$node.html()).toMatch('99'); }); }); it('re-renders the tag shortcut linked to it when increasing the read count if there is a shortcut', function () { this.component.attr.shortcut = jasmine.createSpyObj('shortcut', ['reRender']); $(document).trigger(, { tags: ['inbox'] }); expect(this.component.attr.shortcut.reRender).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('doesnt increase the read count when the read email doesnt have the tag', function () { $(document).trigger(, { tags: ['amazing']}); expect(; expect(this.$node.html()).not.toMatch('99'); }); it('doesnt display the unread count when there are no unreads', function () { = 100; $(document).trigger(, { tags: ['inbox']}); expect(this.$node.html()).not.toMatch('"unread-count"'); }); it('should not be selected when a search is performed', function() { this.component.trigger(document,; expect(this.component.$node).not.toHaveClass('selected'); }); it('should not be selected when the search is cleared', function() { this.component.trigger(document,; expect(this.component.$node).not.toHaveClass('selected'); }); }); describe('drafts tag', function () { var containerFordrafts; beforeEach(function () { this.setupComponent('
  • ', { tag: { name: 'drafts', ident: '42', counts: { total: 100, read: 50 } } }); }); it('shows the total count instead of the unread count', function () { $(document).trigger(, { tags: ['drafts']}); expect(this.$node.html()).toMatch('100'); expect(this.$node.html()).not.toMatch('"unread-count"'); }); }); describe('all tag', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.setupComponent('
  • ', { tag: { name: 'all', ident: '45', counts: { total: 100, read: 50 } } }); }); it('adds searching class when user is doing a search', function () { $(document).trigger(, {}); expect(this.$node.attr('class')).toMatch('searching'); }); it('removes searching class when user searches for empty string', function () { $(document).trigger(, {}); $(document).trigger(; expect(this.$node.attr('class')).not.toMatch('searching'); }); it('removes searching class when user clicks in any tag', function () { $(document).trigger(, {}); this.$; expect(this.$node.attr('class')).not.toMatch('searching'); }); it('should be selected when a search is performed', function() { this.component.trigger(document,; expect(this.component.$node).toHaveClass('selected'); }); it('should be selected when the search is cleared', function() { this.component.trigger(document,; expect(this.component.$node).toHaveClass('selected'); }); }); _.each(['sent', 'trash'], function (tag_name) { describe(tag_name + ' tag', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.setupComponent('
  • ', { tag: { name: tag_name, ident: '42', counts: { total: 100, read: 50 } } }); }); it('doesn\'t display unread count for special folder', function () { $(document).trigger(, { tags: [tag_name]}); expect(this.$node.html()).not.toMatch('unread-count'); }); it('doesn\'t display read count for special folder', function () { $(document).trigger(, { tags: [tag_name]}); expect(this.$node.html()).not.toMatch('total-count'); }); }); }); });