/*global Pixelated */ require(['services/model/mail'], function (Mail) { 'use strict'; var testData; describe('services/model/mail', function () { describe('reply addresses', function () { it('returns the "to" and "cc" addresses if the mail was sent', function () { var mail = Mail.create({ header: { to: ['a@b.c', 'e@f.g'], cc: ['x@x.x'] }, tags: [], mailbox: 'SENT' }); var addresses = mail.replyToAddress(); expect(addresses).toEqual({ to: ['a@b.c', 'e@f.g'], cc: ['x@x.x']}); }); }); describe('parsing', function () { describe('a single email', function () { var sentMail, draftMail, recievedMail, recievedMailWithCC; beforeEach(function () { sentMail = Mail.create(Pixelated.testData().rawMail.sent); draftMail = Mail.create(Pixelated.testData().rawMail.draft); recievedMail = Mail.create(Pixelated.testData().rawMail.recieved); recievedMailWithCC = Mail.create(Pixelated.testData().rawMail.recievedWithCC); }); it('correctly identifies a sent mail', function () { expect(sentMail.isSentMail()).toBe(true); }); it('correctly identifies a draft mail', function () { expect(draftMail.isDraftMail()).toBe(true); }); it('correctly identifies a recieved mail', function () { expect(recievedMail.isSentMail()).toBe(false); expect(recievedMail.isDraftMail()).toBe(false); }); it('reply to of a sent mail should be original recipient', function () { expect(sentMail.replyToAddress()).toEqual({to: ['mariane_dach@davis.info'], cc: ['duda@la.lu']}); }); it('reply to of a mail should be the reply_to field if existent', function () { expect(recievedMail.replyToAddress()).toEqual({to: ['afton_braun@botsford.biz'], cc: [] }); }); it('reply to of a mail should be the from field if no reply_to present', function () { expect(recievedMailWithCC.replyToAddress()).toEqual({to: ['cleve_jaskolski@schimmelhirthe.net'], cc: []}); }); it('reply to all should include all email addresses in the header', function () { expect(recievedMailWithCC.replyToAllAddress()).toEqual({ to: ['cleve_jaskolski@schimmelhirthe.net', 'stanford@sipes.com'], cc: ['mariane_dach@davis.info'] }); }); }); describe('multipart email', function () { var parsedMultipartMail; beforeEach(function () { parsedMultipartMail = Mail.create(Pixelated.testData().rawMail.multipart); }); it('parses the mail as multipart/alternative', function () { expect(parsedMultipartMail.isMailMultipartAlternative()).toBe(true); }); it('lists the correct available content-type of the parts', function () { expect(parsedMultipartMail.availableBodyPartsContentType()).toEqual(['text/plain;', 'text/html;']); }); it('gets the list of parts', function () { var expectedParts = [ { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain;' }, body: 'Hello everyone!\n' }, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html;', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding': 'quoted-printable' }, body: '

Hello everyone!

\n' } ]; expect(parsedMultipartMail.getMailMultiParts()).toEqual(expectedParts); }); it('gets the text/plain body by the content-type', function () { expect(parsedMultipartMail.getMailPartByContentType('text/plain;')).toEqual( { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain;' }, body: 'Hello everyone!\n' }); }); it('parses the content type of a text/html body', function () { expect(parsedMultipartMail.getMailPartByContentType('text/html;')).toEqual({ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html;', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding': 'quoted-printable' }, body: '

Hello everyone!

\n' }); }); }); }); }); });