describeComponent('search/results_highlighter', function () { 'use strict'; it('highlights words or parts of words that match with the keywords given', function () { this.setupComponent('
Any one seeing too many open bugs
'); this.component.attr = {keywords: ['any']}; this.component.highlightResults(event, {where: '#text'}); var highlightedWords = this.component.$node.find('.search-highlight').length; expect(highlightedWords).toEqual(2); }); it('resets highlights when a new search is performed', function() { this.setupComponent('
Any one seeing too many open bugs
'); this.component.attr = {keywords: ['any']}; this.component.highlightResults(event, {where: '#text'}); $(document).trigger(; var highlightedWords = this.component.$node.find('.search-highlight').length; expect(highlightedWords).toEqual(0); }); });