/* global jasmine */ require(['page/router/url_params'], function (urlParams) { 'use strict'; describe('urlParams', function () { beforeEach(function () { //preventing the hash change to fire the onpopstate event in other components //in this case in the router component window.onpopstate = function () {}; }); afterEach(function () { document.location.hash = ''; }); describe('getTag', function () { it('returns inbox if there is no tag in the url hash', function () { expect(urlParams.getTag()).toEqual('inbox'); }); it('returns the tag in the hash if there is one', function () { document.location.hash = '/Drafts'; expect(urlParams.getTag()).toEqual('Drafts'); }); it('returns tag with slash', function () { document.location.hash = '/Events/2011'; expect(urlParams.getTag()).toEqual('Events/2011'); }); it('returns tag even if there is an mail ident', function () { document.location.hash = '/Events/2011/mail/1'; expect(urlParams.getTag()).toEqual('Events/2011'); }); it('returns the tag even if there is a trailing slash', function () { document.location.hash = '/Events/'; expect(urlParams.getTag()).toEqual('Events'); }); }); describe('hasMailIdent', function () { it('is true if hash has mailIdent', function () { document.location.hash = '/inbox/mail/1'; expect(urlParams.hasMailIdent()).toBeTruthy(); }); it('is false if hash has no mail ident', function () { document.location.hash = '/Drafts'; expect(urlParams.hasMailIdent()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('getMailIdent', function () { it('returns the mail ident that is in the hash', function () { document.location.hash = '/inbox/mail/123'; expect(urlParams.getMailIdent()).toEqual('123'); }); }); }); });