/*global Pixelated */ /*global jasmine */ /*global runs */ /*global waits */ describeMixin('mixins/with_mail_edit_base', function () { 'use strict'; beforeEach(function () { this.setupComponent(); // Stubing mixing wrongly!!! 'deprecated' while waiting for draft component extraction this.component.buildMail = function (tag) { return { header: { to: ['a@smth.com'], from: 'b@smth.com', subject: 'Sbject' } }; }; }); describe('initialization', function() { it('should warn send button of existing recipients', function () { var recipientsUpdatedEvent = spyOnEvent(document, Pixelated.events.ui.recipients.updated); this.component.render(function() {}, { recipients: { to: ['foobar@mail.com'], cc: [] } }); expect(recipientsUpdatedEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { newRecipients: ['foobar@mail.com'], name: 'to'}); expect(recipientsUpdatedEvent).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { newRecipients: [], name: 'cc'}); }); }); describe('when the user is typing in subject or body', function() { beforeEach(function () { this.component.attr.saveDraftInterval = 10; }); it('saves the draft after the save draft interval number of seconds', function(done) { var saveDraftSpy = spyOnEvent(document, Pixelated.events.mail.saveDraft); this.component.monitorInput(); expect(saveDraftSpy).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); setTimeout(function () { expect(saveDraftSpy).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); done() }, 10); }); it('does not save if mail is sent before the save draft interval number of seconds', function(done) { var saveDraftSpy = spyOnEvent(document, Pixelated.events.mail.saveDraft); this.component.monitorInput(); this.component.sendMail(); setTimeout(function () { expect(saveDraftSpy).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); done(); }, 10); }); }); describe('when a mail is sent', function () { it('displays a message of mail sent', function () { var spy = spyOnEvent(document, Pixelated.events.ui.userAlerts.displayMessage); this.component.trigger(document, Pixelated.events.mail.sent); expect(spy).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); }); describe('when user asks to trash the mail', function() { it('triggers mail delete for this mail', function() { var spy = spyOnEvent(document, Pixelated.events.mail.save); this.component.trashMail(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); }); describe('when recipients are updated', function () { it('triggers an event to let the send button know that the recipients in the mail are updated', function () { var uiMailRecipientsUpdated = spyOnEvent(document, Pixelated.events.ui.mail.recipientsUpdated); $(document).trigger(Pixelated.events.ui.recipients.updated, {recipientsName: 'to', newRecipients: ['fox@somewhere.com']}); expect(uiMailRecipientsUpdated).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); }); });