describeComponent('mail_view/ui/send_button', function () { 'use strict'; var i18n; beforeEach(function () { i18n = require('views/i18n'); }); describe('send button', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.setupComponent(''); }); describe('when it is disabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.$node.prop('disabled', true); }); it('gets enabled in a inputFieldHasCharacters event', function () { $(document).trigger(, { name: 'to' }); expect(this.$node).not.toBeDisabled(); }); it('gets enabled in a recipients:updated where there are new recipients', function () { $(document).trigger(, { newRecipients: ['a@b.c']}); expect(this.$node).not.toBeDisabled(); }); it('gets enabled if recipients:updated also with invalid email', function () { $(document).trigger(, { name: 'to' }); $(document).trigger(, { newRecipients: ['InvalidEmail']}); expect(this.$node).not.toBeDisabled(); expect(this.$node.text()).toBe(i18n.t('send')); }); }); describe('multiple events', function () { it('gets enabled and remains enabled when a inputFieldHasCharacters is followed by a recipients:updated with NO new recipients', function () { this.$node.prop('disabled', true); $(document).trigger(, { name: 'to' }); $(document).trigger(, { newRecipients: [] }); expect(this.$node).not.toBeDisabled(); }); it('gets enabled and remains enabled when a recipients:updated with recipients is followed by a inputFieldIsEmpty', function () { this.$node.prop('disabled', true); $(document).trigger(, { newRecipients: ['a@b.c']}); $(document).trigger(, { name: 'to' }); expect(this.$node).not.toBeDisabled(); }); }); describe('when it is enabled', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.$node.prop('disabled', false); }); it('gets disabled in a inputFieldIsEmpty', function () { $(document).trigger(, { name: 'to' }); expect(this.$node).toBeDisabled(); }); it('gets disabled in a recipients:updated without new recipients', function () { $(document).trigger(, { newRecipients: []}); expect(this.$node).toBeDisabled(); }); }); describe('on click', function () { it ('asks for the recipients input to complete its current input', function () { var doCompleteInputEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.$; expect(doCompleteInputEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); it('disables the button after clicking', function () { expect(this.$node.text()).toBe(i18n.t('send')); this.$; expect(this.$node.text()).toBe(i18n.t('sending-mail')); expect(this.$node.prop('disabled')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('displays sending message', function () { var displayMessageEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.$; expect(displayMessageEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { message: 'Sending...', class: 'success', dismissTimeout: 60000 }); }); it('enables again if sending errors out', function() { expect(this.$node.text()).toBe(i18n.t('send')); this.$; $(document).trigger(; expect(this.$node.text()).toBe(i18n.t('send')); expect(this.$node.prop('disabled')).not.toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('after clicking', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.$; }); it('waits for ui:mail:recipientsUpdated to happen 3 times in the mail then sends the mail then stops listening to ui:mail:recipientsUpdated', function () { var sendMailEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; spyOn(this.component, 'off'); _.times(3, function () { $(document).trigger(; }); expect(sendMailEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); expect(,; }); }); }); });