describeComponent('mail_view/ui/recipients/recipients_input',function () { 'use strict'; beforeEach(function () { this.setupComponent({name: 'to'}); }); describe('keys that finish address input', function () { _.each([ [186, 'semicolon'], [188, 'comma'], ], function (keycode) { it('adds the address if its a valid emails address: ' + keycode[1], function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var enterAddressKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: keycode[0] }); this.$node.val(''); this.$node.trigger(enterAddressKeyPressEvent); expect(addressEnteredEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: '' }); }); it('adds the address if its a valid formatted emails address: ' + keycode[1], function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var enterAddressKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: keycode[0] }); this.$node.val('My dear friend '); this.$node.trigger(enterAddressKeyPressEvent); expect(addressEnteredEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: 'My dear friend ' }); }); it('wont add address if val is empty: ' + keycode[1], function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var enterAddressKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: keycode[0] }); this.$node.val(''); this.$node.trigger(enterAddressKeyPressEvent); expect(addressEnteredEvent).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: '' }); }); it('wont add address if val is not a valid email address: ' + keycode[1], function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var enterAddressKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: keycode[0] }); this.$node.val('abacate'); this.$node.trigger(enterAddressKeyPressEvent); expect(addressEnteredEvent).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: 'abacate' }); }); it('wont add address if val is not a valid formatted email address: ' + keycode[1], function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var enterAddressKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: keycode[0] }); this.$node.val('abacate '); this.$node.trigger(enterAddressKeyPressEvent); expect(addressEnteredEvent).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: 'abacate ' }); }); it('wont add address if shift key is pressed together: ' + keycode[1], function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var enterAddressKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: keycode[0], shiftKey: true }); this.$node.val('a@b.c'); this.$node.trigger(enterAddressKeyPressEvent); expect(addressEnteredEvent).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: 'a@b.c' }); }); it('prevents event default regardless on input val when key is ' + keycode[1], function () { var enterAddressKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: keycode[0] }); spyOn(enterAddressKeyPressEvent, 'preventDefault'); this.$node.val(''); this.$node.trigger(enterAddressKeyPressEvent); expect(enterAddressKeyPressEvent.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); enterAddressKeyPressEvent.preventDefault.calls.reset(); this.$node.val('anything'); this.$node.trigger(enterAddressKeyPressEvent); expect(enterAddressKeyPressEvent.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when tab is pressed', function () { it('enters an address and prevents event default if there is an input val', function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var tabKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: 9}); spyOn(tabKeyPressEvent, 'preventDefault'); this.$node.val(''); this.$node.trigger(tabKeyPressEvent); expect(tabKeyPressEvent.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(addressEnteredEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: ''}); }); it('doesnt enter an address and doesnt prevent event default if input val is empty (so tab moves it to the next input)', function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var tabKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: 9}); spyOn(tabKeyPressEvent, 'preventDefault'); this.$node.val(''); this.$node.trigger(tabKeyPressEvent); expect(tabKeyPressEvent.preventDefault).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(addressEnteredEvent).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: ''}); }); }); describe('when space is pressed', function () { it('address input should not finish', function () { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var spaceKeyPressEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: 32}); spyOn(spaceKeyPressEvent, 'preventDefault'); this.$node.val('a@b.c'); this.$node.trigger(spaceKeyPressEvent); expect(spaceKeyPressEvent.preventDefault).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(addressEnteredEvent).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(this, { name: 'to', address: 'a@b.c' }); }); }); }); describe('on keyup', function () { it('triggers inputHasNoMail if input is empty', function () { var inputHasNoMailEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.$node.val(''); this.$node.trigger('keyup'); expect(inputHasNoMailEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); it('triggers inputHasMail if input is not empty', function () { var inputHasMailEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.$node.val('lalala'); this.$node.trigger('keyup'); expect(inputHasMailEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document, { name: 'to' }); }); }); describe('on blur', function() { it('tokenizes and sanitize recipient email if there is an input val', function() { var addressEnteredEvent = spyOnEvent(this.$node,; var blurEvent = $.Event('blur'); spyOn(blurEvent, 'preventDefault'); this.$node.val(', Friend ; , , , , , , , ,'); this.$node.trigger(blurEvent); expect(blurEvent.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(addressEnteredEvent.callCount).toEqual(3); expect(addressEnteredEvent.calls[0].data).toEqual({name: 'to', address: ''}); expect(addressEnteredEvent.calls[1].data).toEqual({name: 'to', address: 'Friend '}); expect(addressEnteredEvent.calls[2].data).toEqual({name: 'to', address: ''}); }) }); });