describeComponent('mail_list_actions/ui/mail_list_actions', function () { 'use strict'; var mailListActionsContainer; var i18n; describe('post initialization', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.setupComponent(); i18n = require('views/i18n'); mailListActionsContainer = $('', { id: 'delete-selected'}); }); it('should render button text', function () { $(document).trigger(, {tag: 'inbox'}); expect(this.component.$node.html()).toMatch('
  • '); }); it('should render button text delete permanently if tag trash', function () { $(document).trigger(, {tag: 'trash'}); expect(this.component.$node.html()).toMatch('
  • '); }); it('should render button delete permanently if url contains trash tag', function () { var urlParams = require('page/router/url_params'); spyOn(urlParams, 'getTag').and.returnValue('trash'); this.setupComponent(); expect(this.component.$node.html()).toMatch('
  • '); }); it('should render move to inbox if on trash', function () { var urlParams = require('page/router/url_params'); spyOn(urlParams, 'getTag').and.returnValue('trash'); this.setupComponent(); expect(this.component.$node.html()).toMatch('
  • '); }); it('should not render move to inbox if on trash', function () { var urlParams = require('page/router/url_params'); spyOn(urlParams, 'getTag').and.returnValue('inbox'); this.setupComponent(); expect(this.component.$node.html()).not.toMatch('
  • '); }); }); });