describeComponent('mail_list/ui/mail_list', function () { 'use strict'; var mailList; beforeEach(function () { var customMatchers = require('test/custom_matchers'); jasmine.addMatchers(customMatchers); this.setupComponent('
', { urlParams: { hasMailIdent: function () { return false; } } }); mailList = [ createMail('the mail subject', '', '1', '2012-12-26T01:38:46-08:00'), createMail('another mail subject', '', '2', '2012-12-28T01:38:46-08:00') ]; }); it('should open mail at first mail:available if there is a mailIdent in the url hash', function () { this.component.attr.urlParams = { hasMailIdent: function () { return true; }, getMailIdent: function () { return '10'; } }; var openMailEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(openMailEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { ident: '10' }); this.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(openMailEvent.calls.length).toEqual(1); }); it('should push the state if there is a mail ident in the hash url', function () { this.component.attr.urlParams = { hasMailIdent: function () { return true; }, getMailIdent: function () { return '10'; } }; var pushState = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.attr.currentTag = 'inbox'; this.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(pushState).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { tag: 'inbox', mailIdent: '10' }); }); describe('checking/unchecking mails in the list', function () { it('keeps a list with the currently checked mails', function () { var checkedMails = {}; this.component.attr.checkedMails = {}; $(document).trigger(, {mail: mailList[0]}); checkedMails[mailList[0].ident] = mailList[0]; expect(this.component.attr.checkedMails).toEqual(checkedMails); }); it('returns the list of checked mails based on the current tag to whomever requests them', function () { var caller = {}; this.component.attr.checkedMails = mailList; this.component.attr.currentTag = 'inbox'; var mailHereCheckedEvent = spyOnEvent(caller,; $(document).trigger(, caller); expect(mailHereCheckedEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(caller, { checkedMails: mailList }); }); it('returns an empty list to whomever requests the checked mails if there are no checked mails with the current tag', function () { var caller = {}; var mailHereCheckedEvent = spyOnEvent(caller,; $(document).trigger(, caller); expect(mailHereCheckedEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(caller, { checkedMails: {} }); }); it('removes for the checked mails when mail is unchecked', function () { this.component.attr.checkedMails = { '1': {}, '2': {}, '3': {} }; $(document).trigger(, {mail: {ident: '1'}}); expect(this.component.attr.checkedMails).toEqual({'2': {}, '3': {} }); }); it('checks the check all checkbox if at least one mail is checked with the current tag', function () { var setCheckAllCheckboxEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.attr.currentTag = 'inbox'; $(document).trigger(, {mail: mailList[0]}); expect(setCheckAllCheckboxEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, true); }); it('unchecks the check all checkbox if no mail is left checked', function () { this.component.attr.checkedMails = {1: {}}; var setCheckAllCheckboxEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; $(document).trigger(, {mail: {ident: '1'}}); expect(setCheckAllCheckboxEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, false); }); }); describe('when mails are available', function () { it('should open email if popstate event happened (when mailIdent isnt undefined)', function () { var openMailEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList, mailIdent: '30' }); expect(openMailEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { ident: '30'}); }); it('should open draft in popstate event if tag is Drafts', function () { var openDraftEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList, mailIdent: '30', tag: 'drafts' }); expect(openDraftEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { ident: '30'}); }); }); it('should not append emails when another mails:available event is triggered', function () { this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(this.component.$node.find('a').length).toEqual(2); this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(this.component.$node.find('a').length).toEqual(2); }); it('resets scroll when opening a new tag or choosing a new tag', function () { var eventSpy = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); describe('rendering the mails', function () { describe('when mails are available for refreshing', function () { it('renders the new mails', function () { this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(mailList[0]).toBeRenderedIn(this.component.$node); expect(mailList[1]).toBeRenderedIn(this.component.$node); }); }); it('should render all mails sent in ui:mails:show event but shouldnt refresh the tags', function () { var refreshTagListEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(mailList[0]).toBeRenderedIn(this.component.$node); expect(mailList[1]).toBeRenderedIn(this.component.$node); expect(refreshTagListEvent).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); it('should select the current email when mails are available', function () { this.component.attr.currentMailIdent = '1'; this.component.trigger(, { mails: mailList }); expect(mailList[0]).toBeRenderedSelectedIn(this.component.$node); expect(mailList[1]).toBeRenderedIn(this.component.$node); }); it('should keep the mail checked when it was previously checked (so refresh works)', function () { var checkbox, mailIdent; mailIdent = mailList[0].ident; this.component.attr.checkedMails[mailIdent] = mailList[0]; this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: [mailList[0]] }); checkbox = this.$node.find('input[type=checkbox]'); expect(checkbox.prop('checked')).toBe(true); }); it('should render links for the emails', function () { this.component.$node.trigger(, { mails: mailList, tag: 'inbox' }); expect(this.$node.html()).toMatch('href="/#/inbox/mail/1'); expect(this.$node.html()).toMatch('href="/#/inbox/mail/2'); }); it('should clean the selected email', function () { this.component.attr.currentMailIdent = '1'; this.component.trigger(; expect(this.component.attr.currentMailIdent).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('when saving a draft', function () { it('refreshes the list if the current tag is drafts', function () { this.component.attr.currentTag = 'drafts'; var spyRefresh = spyOnEvent(document,; var spyScroll = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.trigger(, {ident: 1}); expect(spyRefresh).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); expect(spyScroll).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); it('does not refresh the list if the current tag is not drafts', function() { this.component.attr.currentTag = 'sent'; var spyRefresh = spyOnEvent(document,; var spyScroll = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.trigger(, {ident: 1}); expect(spyRefresh).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); expect(spyScroll).not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); }); describe('when sending a mail', function () { it('refreshes the list if the current tag is drafts', function () { this.component.attr.currentTag = 'drafts'; var spyRefresh = spyOnEvent(document,; var spyScroll = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.trigger(; expect(spyRefresh).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); expect(spyScroll).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); it('refreshes the list if the current tag is sent', function() { this.component.attr.currentTag = 'sent'; var spyRefresh = spyOnEvent(document,; var spyScroll = spyOnEvent(document,; this.component.trigger(; expect(spyRefresh).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); expect(spyScroll).toHaveBeenTriggeredOn(document); }); }); describe('refreshing the mail list', function () { it('also refreshes the tag list but skips the next mail list refresh', function () { var tagListRefreshEvent = spyOnEvent(document,; $(document).trigger(, { mails: []}); expect(tagListRefreshEvent).toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith(document, { skipMailListRefresh: true}); }); }); function createMail(subject, from, ident, date) { var mail = Pixelated.testData().parsedMail.simpleTextPlain; return _.merge(mail, { header: { subject: subject, from: from, date: date }, ident: ident, tags: ['inbox'] }); } });