/*global Pixelated */ define(['helpers/view_helper'], function (viewHelper) { 'use strict'; var testData; describe('view helper', function() { beforeEach(function () { testData = Pixelated.testData(); }); describe('quote email', function() { it('should add > to body text', function() { testData.rawMail.mail.textPlainBody = 'First Line\nSecond Line'; var quotedMail = viewHelper.quoteMail(testData.rawMail.mail); expect(quotedMail).toContain('> First Line\n> Second Line'); }); }); describe('getFormmattedDate', function() { it('formats correctly a Date for today', function() { var d = new Date(); var dtest = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), 14, 2, 36); var res = viewHelper.getFormattedDate(dtest); expect(res).toEqual('14:02'); }); it('formats correctly a Date for a specific day', function() { var dtest = new Date(2013, 2, 13, 7, 56, 1); var res = viewHelper.getFormattedDate(dtest); // This expectation is weird for the month - JS Dates have date numbers be zero-indexed, thus the discrepency // Specifically, the 2 in the constructor DOES match the 3 in the expectation below. expect(res).toEqual('2013-03-13'); }); }); describe('format status classes', function () { it('formats all the status of the email to css classes', function () { var statuses = ['read', 'banana']; expect(viewHelper.formatStatusClasses(statuses)).toEqual('status-read status-banana'); }); it('formats a single status of the email to a css class', function () { var statuses = ['read']; expect(viewHelper.formatStatusClasses(statuses)).toEqual('status-read'); }); }); it('formats the body of a plain text email', function () { var formatedMail = $('
'); formatedMail.html(viewHelper.formatMailBody(testData.parsedMail.simpleTextPlain)); expect(formatedMail).toContainHtml('

HNello Everyone

'); }); it('move caret to the end of text after 1ms', function () { spyOn(window, 'setTimeout'); viewHelper.moveCaretToEndOfText(); expect(window.setTimeout.calls.all()[0].args[1]).toEqual(1); }); }); });