import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import expect from 'expect'; import React from 'react'; import { Logout } from 'src/common/logout/logout'; describe('Logout', () => { let logout; beforeEach(() => { const mockTranslations = key => key; logout = shallow(); }); it('renders the logout container', () => { expect(logout.find('div.logout-container')).toExist(); }); describe('logout form', () => { let logoutForm; beforeEach(() => { logoutForm = logout.find('form#logout-form'); }); it('renders logout form', () => { expect(logoutForm).toExist(); }); it('renders logout form with POST method', () => { expect(logoutForm.props().method).toEqual('POST'); }); it('renders logout form with action as logout', () => { expect(logoutForm.props().action).toEqual('logout'); }); it('renders csrf hidden input', () => { expect(logoutForm.find('input[name="csrftoken"]')).toExist(); }); it('renders SubmitFlatButton for logout', () => { expect(logoutForm.find('SubmitFlatButton').props().buttonText).toEqual('logout'); }); it('renders SubmitFlatButton for logout with fontIcon', () => { expect(logoutForm.find('SubmitFlatButton').props().fontIconClass).toEqual('fa fa-sign-out'); }); }); });