import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import expect from 'expect'; import React from 'react'; import FlatButton from 'src/common/flat_button/flat_button'; describe('FlatButton', () => { let flatButton; beforeEach(() => { flatButton = shallow(); }); it('renders a FlatButton of type submit with name logout', () => { expect(flatButton.find('FlatButton').props().name).toEqual('logout'); }); it('renders a FlatButton of type submit with text logout', () => { expect(flatButton.find('FlatButton').props().label).toEqual('Logout'); }); it('renders a FlatButton of type submit with title logout', () => { expect(flatButton.find('FlatButton').props().title).toEqual('Logout'); }); it('renders a FlatButton of type submit with aria-label logout', () => { expect(flatButton.find('FlatButton').props()['aria-label']).toEqual('Logout'); }); it('renders a FlatButton with given fontIcon class', () => { expect(flatButton.find('FlatButton').props().icon.props.className).toEqual('fa fa-sign-out'); }); });