import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import expect from 'expect'; import React from 'react'; import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock'; import { BackupEmail } from 'src/backup_account/backup_email/backup_email'; import browser from 'helpers/browser'; describe('BackupEmail', () => { let backupEmail; let mockOnSubmit; let mockTranslations; let backupEmailInstance; beforeEach(() => { mockOnSubmit = expect.createSpy(); mockTranslations = key => key; backupEmail = shallow(); }); it('renders backup email title', () => { expect(backupEmail.find('h1').text()).toEqual('backup-account.backup-email.title'); }); it('renders backup account email input field', () => { expect(backupEmail.find('InputField').props().name).toEqual('email'); }); it('renders backup account submit button', () => { expect(backupEmail.find('SubmitButton').props().buttonText).toEqual('backup-account.backup-email.button'); }); describe('Email validation', () => { beforeEach(() => { backupEmailInstance = backupEmail.instance(); }); it('verify initial state', () => { expect(backupEmailInstance.state.error).toEqual(''); expect(backupEmail.find('SubmitButton').props().disabled).toBe(true); }); context('with invalid email', () => { beforeEach(() => { backupEmailInstance.validateEmail({ target: { value: 'test' } }); }); it('sets error in state', () => { expect(backupEmailInstance.state.error).toEqual('backup-account.backup-email.error.invalid-email'); }); it('disables submit button', () => { expect(backupEmail.find('SubmitButton').props().disabled).toBe(true); }); }); context('with valid email', () => { beforeEach(() => { backupEmailInstance.validateEmail({ target: { value: '' } }); }); it('does not set error in state', () => { expect(backupEmailInstance.state.error).toEqual(''); }); it('submit button is enabled', () => { expect(backupEmail.find('SubmitButton').props().disabled).toBe(false); }); }); context('with empty email', () => { beforeEach(() => { backupEmailInstance.validateEmail({ target: { value: '' } }); }); it('not set error in state', () => { expect(backupEmailInstance.state.error).toEqual(''); }); it('disables submit button', () => { expect(backupEmail.find('SubmitButton').props().disabled).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('Email changing handler', () => { beforeEach(() => { backupEmailInstance = backupEmail.instance(); }); it('sets user backup email in the state', () => { backupEmailInstance.handleChange({ target: { value: '' } }); expect(backupEmailInstance.state.backupEmail).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('Submit', () => { let preventDefaultSpy; beforeEach(() => { preventDefaultSpy = expect.createSpy(); }); context('on success', () => { beforeEach((done) => { mockOnSubmit = expect.createSpy().andCall(() => done()); expect.spyOn(browser, 'getCookie').andReturn('abc123');'/backup-account', 204); backupEmail = shallow(); backupEmail.find('InputField').simulate('change', { target: { value: '' } }); backupEmail.find('form').simulate('submit', { preventDefault: preventDefaultSpy }); }); it('posts backup email', () => { expect(fetchMock.called('/backup-account')).toBe(true, 'Backup account POST was not called'); }); it('sends csrftoken as content', () => { expect(fetchMock.lastOptions('/backup-account').body).toContain('"csrftoken":["abc123"]'); }); it('sends user email as content', () => { expect(fetchMock.lastOptions('/backup-account').body).toContain('"backupEmail":""'); }); it('sends content-type header', () => { expect(fetchMock.lastOptions('/backup-account').headers['Content-Type']).toEqual('application/json'); }); it('sends same origin headers', () => { expect(fetchMock.lastOptions('/backup-account').credentials).toEqual('same-origin'); }); it('prevents default call to refresh page', () => { expect(preventDefaultSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('calls onSubmit from props with success', () => { expect(mockOnSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('success'); }); }); context('on error', () => { beforeEach((done) => { mockOnSubmit = expect.createSpy().andCall(() => done());'/backup-account', 500); backupEmail = shallow(); backupEmail.find('form').simulate('submit', { preventDefault: preventDefaultSpy }); }); it('calls onSubmit from props with error', () => { expect(mockOnSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('error'); }); }); }); afterEach(() => { fetchMock.restore(); }); });