/* * Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks, Inc. * * Pixelated is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pixelated is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Pixelated. If not, see . */ /*global _ */ /*global Pixelated */ define( [ 'flight/lib/component', 'views/i18n', 'services/model/mail', 'page/events', 'features' ], function (defineComponent, i18n, Mail, events, features) { 'use strict'; return defineComponent(mailService); function mailService() { var that; this.defaultAttrs({ mailsResource: '/mails', singleMailResource: '/mail', currentTag: '', lastQuery: '', currentPage: 1, numPages: 1, w: 25 }); this.errorMessage = function (msg) { return function () { that.trigger(document, events.ui.userAlerts.displayMessage, { message: msg }); }; }; this.updateTags = function (ev, data) { var that = this; var ident = data.ident; $.ajax('/mail/' + ident + '/tags', { type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: JSON.stringify({newtags: data.tags}) }).done(function (data) { that.refreshResults(); $(document).trigger(events.mail.tags.updated, { ident: ident, tags: data.tags }); }) .fail(function (resp) { var msg = i18n('Could not update mail tags'); if(resp.status === 403) { msg = i18n('Invalid tag name'); } that.trigger(document, events.ui.userAlerts.displayMessage, { message: msg }); }); }; this.readMail = function (ev, data) { var mailIdents; if (data.checkedMails) { mailIdents = _.map(data.checkedMails, function (mail) { return mail.ident; }); $.ajax('/mails/read', { type: 'POST', data: {idents: JSON.stringify(mailIdents)} }).done(this.triggerMailsRead(data.checkedMails)); } else { $.ajax('/mail/' + data.ident + '/read', {type: 'POST'}); } }; this.unreadMail = function (ev, data) { var mailIdents; if (data.checkedMails) { mailIdents = _.map(data.checkedMails, function (mail) { return mail.ident; }); $.ajax('/mails/unread', { type: 'POST', data: {idents: JSON.stringify(mailIdents)} }).done(this.triggerMailsRead(data.checkedMails)); } else { $.ajax('/mail/' + data.ident + '/read', {type: 'POST'}); } }; this.triggerMailsRead = function (mails) { return _.bind(function () { this.refreshResults(); this.trigger(document, events.ui.mail.unchecked, { mails: mails }); this.trigger(document, events.ui.mails.hasMailsChecked, false); }, this); }; this.triggerDeleted = function (dataToDelete) { return _.bind(function () { var mails = dataToDelete.mails || [dataToDelete.mail]; this.refreshResults(); this.trigger(document, events.ui.userAlerts.displayMessage, { message: dataToDelete.successMessage}); this.trigger(document, events.ui.mail.unchecked, { mails: mails }); this.trigger(document, events.ui.mails.hasMailsChecked, false); this.trigger(document, events.mail.deleted, { mails: mails }); }, this); }; this.deleteMail = function (ev, data) { $.ajax('/mail/' + data.mail.ident, {type: 'DELETE'}) .done(this.triggerDeleted(data)) .fail(this.errorMessage(i18n('Could not delete email'))); }; this.deleteManyMails = function (ev, data) { var dataToDelete = data; var mailIdents = _.map(data.mails, function (mail) { return mail.ident; }); $.ajax('/mails', { type: 'DELETE', data: {idents: JSON.stringify(mailIdents)} }).done(this.triggerDeleted(dataToDelete)) .fail(this.errorMessage(i18n('Could not delete emails'))); }; function compileQuery(data) { var query = 'tag:"' + that.attr.currentTag + '"'; if (data.tag === 'all') { query = 'in:all'; } return query; } this.fetchByTag = function (ev, data) { this.attr.currentTag = data.tag; this.updateCurrentPageNumber(1); this.fetchMail(compileQuery(data), this.attr.currentTag, false, data); }; this.refreshResults = function (ev, data) { var query = this.attr.lastQuery; this.fetchMail(query, this.attr.currentTag, true); }; this.newSearch = function (ev, data) { var query = data.query; this.attr.currentTag = 'all'; this.fetchMail(query, 'all'); }; this.mailFromJSON = function (mail) { return Mail.create(mail); }; this.parseMails = function (data) { data.mails = _.map(data.mails, this.mailFromJSON, this); return data; }; function escaped(s) { return encodeURI(s); } this.excludeTrashedEmailsForDraftsAndSent = function (query) { if (query === 'tag:"drafts"' || query === 'tag:"sent"') { return query + ' -in:"trash"'; } else { return query; } }; this.fetchMail = function (query, tag, fromRefresh, eventData) { var p = this.attr.currentPage; var w = this.attr.w; var url = this.attr.mailsResource + '?q=' + escaped(this.excludeTrashedEmailsForDraftsAndSent(query)) + '&p=' + p + '&w=' + w; this.attr.lastQuery = this.excludeTrashedEmailsForDraftsAndSent(query); $.ajax(url, { dataType: 'json' }) .done(function (data) { this.attr.numPages = Math.ceil(data.stats.total / this.attr.w); var eventToTrigger = fromRefresh ? events.mails.availableForRefresh : events.mails.available; this.trigger(document, eventToTrigger, _.merge(_.merge({tag: tag }, eventData), this.parseMails(data))); }.bind(this)) .fail(function () { this.trigger(document, events.ui.userAlerts.displayMessage, { message: i18n('Could not fetch messages') }); }.bind(this)); }; function createSingleMailUrl(mailsResource, ident) { return mailsResource + '/' + ident; } this.fetchSingle = function (event, data) { var fetchUrl = createSingleMailUrl(this.attr.singleMailResource, data.mail); $.ajax(fetchUrl, { dataType: 'json' }) .done(function (mail) { if (_.isNull(mail)) { this.trigger(data.caller, events.mail.notFound); return; } this.trigger(data.caller, events.mail.here, { mail: this.mailFromJSON(mail) }); }.bind(this)); }; this.previousPage = function () { if (this.attr.currentPage > 1) { this.updateCurrentPageNumber(this.attr.currentPage - 1); this.refreshResults(); } }; this.nextPage = function () { if (this.attr.currentPage < (this.attr.numPages)) { this.updateCurrentPageNumber(this.attr.currentPage + 1); this.refreshResults(); } }; this.updateCurrentPageNumber = function (newCurrentPage) { this.attr.currentPage = newCurrentPage; this.trigger(document, events.ui.page.changed, { currentPage: this.attr.currentPage, numPages: this.attr.numPages }); }; this.wantDraftReplyForMail = function (ev, data) { if (!features.isEnabled('draftReply')) { this.trigger(document, events.mail.draftReply.notFound); return; } $.ajax('/draft_reply_for/' + data.ident, { dataType: 'json' }) .done(function (mail) { if (_.isNull(mail)) { this.trigger(document, events.mail.draftReply.notFound); return; } this.trigger(document, events.mail.draftReply.here, { mail: this.mailFromJSON(mail) }); }.bind(this)); }; this.after('initialize', function () { that = this; if (features.isEnabled('tags')) { this.on(events.mail.tags.update, this.updateTags); } this.on(document, events.mail.draftReply.want, this.wantDraftReplyForMail); this.on(document, events.mail.want, this.fetchSingle); this.on(document, events.mail.read, this.readMail); this.on(document, events.mail.unread, this.unreadMail); this.on(document, events.mail.delete, this.deleteMail); this.on(document, events.mail.deleteMany, this.deleteManyMails); this.on(document, events.search.perform, this.newSearch); this.on(document, events.ui.mails.fetchByTag, this.fetchByTag); this.on(document, events.ui.mails.refresh, this.refreshResults); this.on(document, events.ui.page.previous, this.previousPage); this.on(document, events.ui.page.next, this.nextPage); }); } } );