from twisted.trial import unittest
from import replier

class TestReplier(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_reply_all_dont_exclude_own_address_if_only_recipient(self):
        current_user = sender = ''
        to = [sender]
        cc = []

        reply_dict = replier.generate_recipients(sender, to, cc, current_user)
        expected = {'single': sender, 'all': {'to-field': [current_user], 'cc-field': []}}
        self.assertEquals(expected, reply_dict)

    def test_reply_all_does_not_contain_own_address_in_to(self):
        current_user = ''
        sender = ''
        to = ['', current_user]
        cc = []

        reply_dict = replier.generate_recipients(sender, to, cc, current_user)
        expected = {'single': sender, 'all': {'to-field': ['', sender], 'cc-field': []}}
        self.assertEquals(expected, reply_dict)

    def test_reply_all_does_not_contain_own_address_in_cc(self):
        current_user = ''
        sender = ''
        to = ['']
        cc = ['', current_user]

        reply_dict = replier.generate_recipients(sender, to, cc, current_user)
        expected = {'single': sender, 'all': {'to-field': ['', sender], 'cc-field': ['']}}
        self.assertEquals(expected, reply_dict)

    def test_reply_single_swaps_current_user_and_recipient_if_a_am_the_sender(self):
        current_user = sender = ''
        to = ['']
        cc = []

        reply_dict = replier.generate_recipients(sender, to, cc, current_user)
        expected = {'single': '', 'all': {'to-field': [''], 'cc-field': []}}
        self.assertEquals(expected, reply_dict)