# # Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks, Inc. # # Pixelated is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pixelated is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Pixelated. If not, see . import unittest import email from pixelated.maintenance import delete_all_mails, load_mails from pixelated.bitmask_libraries.session import LeapSession from leap.mail.constants import MessageFlags from leap.mail.imap.account import IMAPAccount from leap.soledad.client import Soledad from leap.soledad.common.document import SoledadDocument from mock import MagicMock from os.path import join, dirname from twisted.internet import defer, reactor class TestCommands(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.leap_session = MagicMock(spec=LeapSession) self.soledad = MagicMock(spec=Soledad) self.account = MagicMock(spec=IMAPAccount) self.mailbox = MagicMock() self.leap_session.account = self.account self.args = (self.leap_session, self.soledad) def test_delete_all_mails_supports_empty_doclist(self): self.soledad.get_all_docs.return_value = (1, []) delete_all_mails(self.args) self.assertFalse(self.soledad.delete_doc.called) def test_delete_all_mails(self): doc = MagicMock(spec=SoledadDocument) doc.content = {'type': 'head'} self.soledad.get_all_docs.return_value = (1, [doc]) delete_all_mails(self.args) self.soledad.delete_doc.assert_called_once_with(doc) def test_only_mail_documents_are_deleted(self): docs = self._create_docs_of_type(['head', 'cnt', 'flags', 'mbx', 'foo', None]) self.soledad.get_all_docs.return_value = (1, docs) delete_all_mails(self.args) for doc in docs: if doc.content['type'] in ['head', 'cnt', 'flags']: self.soledad.delete_doc.assert_any_call(doc) self.assertEqual(3, len(self.soledad.delete_doc.mock_calls)) def _create_docs_of_type(self, type_list): return [self._create_doc_type(t) for t in type_list] def _create_doc_type(self, doc_type): doc = MagicMock(spec=SoledadDocument) doc.content = {'type': doc_type} return doc def test_load_mails_empty_path_list(self): load_mails(self.args, []) self.assertFalse(self.mailbox.called) def test_load_mails_adds_mails(self): # given mail_root = join(dirname(__file__), '..', 'fixtures', 'mailset') firstMailDeferred = defer.Deferred() secondMailDeferred = defer.Deferred() self.mailbox.addMessage.side_effect = [firstMailDeferred, secondMailDeferred] # when d = load_mails(self.args, [mail_root]) # then def assert_mails_added(_): self.assertTrue(self.mailbox.addMessage.called) self.mailbox.addMessage.assert_any_call(self._mail_content(join(mail_root, 'new', 'mbox00000000')), flags=(MessageFlags.RECENT_FLAG,), notify_on_disk=False) self.mailbox.addMessage.assert_any_call(self._mail_content(join(mail_root, 'new', 'mbox00000001')), flags=(MessageFlags.RECENT_FLAG,), notify_on_disk=False) def error_callack(err): print err self.assertTrue(False) d.addCallback(assert_mails_added) d.addErrback(error_callack) # trigger callbacks for both mails reactor.callLater(0, firstMailDeferred.callback, None) reactor.callLater(0, secondMailDeferred.callback, None) return d def _mail_content(self, mail_file): with open(mail_file, 'r') as fp: m = email.message_from_file(fp) return m.as_string()