#!/bin/bash USER_PREFIX="loadtest" PASSWORD_PREFIX="password_" PROVIDER="dev.pixelated-project.org" RUNS=9 USERS=1 SLEEP=1 function show_help { echo echo "Run several tests against login in the pixelated-user-agent vagrant machine" echo echo "It saves the logs to service/test/login/metrics" echo echo " --user|-u - array with amount of tests split by comma" echo " --runs|-r - how many times a tests is going to run" echo " --provider|-p - set the provider" echo " --sleep|-s - time to sleep between requests" echo " --help|-h - show help message" } function run_on_vagrant { vagrant ssh -c "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 } function curl_login { index=$1 username=${USER_PREFIX}${index} password=${PASSWORD_PREFIX}${index} curl -siLD - \ -w "request time: %{time_total}\n\n\n" \ -o /dev/null \ -X POST \ --data "username=${username}&password=${password}" \ --cookie 'XSRF-TOKEN: blablabla' \ --header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \ --header 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: blablabla' \ http://localhost:3333/login |\ grep '^HTTP\|^request' |\ tee -a load-test.log |\ sed 's/\(.*\)/ - \1/' } while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do case $1 in --users|-u) USERS=$2 shift ;; --runs|-r) RUNS=$2 shift ;; --provider|-p) PROVIDER=$2 shift ;; --sleep|-s) SLEEP=$2 shift ;; --help|-h) show_help exit 0 ;; esac shift done run_on_vagrant "pkill pixelated" run_on_vagrant "rm ~/MetricsTime" run_on_vagrant "mkdir -p /vagrant/service/test/login/metrics" run_on_vagrant "sudo ln -s /home/vagrant/user-agent-venv/bin/pixelated-user-agent /usr/local/bin" for user in $(tr ',' ' ' <<< $USERS); do echo "> Run for $user user(s)" for run in $(seq $RUNS); do echo " > Running $run of $RUNS runs" echo " > Starting Pixelated UA" until curl -s "http://localhost:3333" -o /dev/null 2>&1; do run_on_vagrant "nohup pixelated-user-agent --host --multi-user --provider=$PROVIDER & sleep 1" done for index in $(seq $user); do echo " > Logging $USER_PREFIX$index" curl_login $index & PIDS="$PIDS $!" sleep $SLEEP done wait $PIDS PIDS="" echo " > Killing Pixelated UA" run_on_vagrant "pkill pixelated" echo done run_on_vagrant "mv ~/MetricsTime /vagrant/service/test/login/metrics/${user}-users.txt" mv load-test.log ../login/metrics/${user}-curl.txt echo done