# # Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks, Inc. # # Pixelated is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pixelated is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Pixelated. If not, see . import unittest from pixelated.adapter.mail_service import MailService from mock import Mock, MagicMock, patch, PropertyMock import test_helper from pixelated.adapter.tag import Tag from pixelated.adapter.pixelated_mailbox import PixelatedMailbox class TestMailService(unittest.TestCase): @patch.object(MailService, '_append_mail_flags', return_value=None) @patch.object(MailService, '_remove_mail_flags', return_value=None) def test_custom_tags_get_created_if_not_exists(self, mockRemoveFlags, mockAppendFlags): mailbox = test_helper.leap_mailbox(leap_flags=['\\Recent']) account = MagicMock() leap_session = MagicMock() leap_session.account = account leap_session.account.getMailbox.return_value = mailbox mailservice = MailService(leap_session) new_tags = ['test', 'inbox'] updated_tags = mailservice.update_tags(6, new_tags) self.assertEquals(set([Tag('test'), Tag('inbox')]), set(updated_tags)) # make sure that special tags are skipped when setting leap flags (eg.: tag_inbox) mockAppendFlags.assert_called_with(6, ['tag_test']) mockRemoveFlags.assert_called_with(6, []) def test_search_without_query_returns_unfiltered_mailbox(self): # given mailbox = test_helper.leap_mailbox(leap_flags=['\\Recent'], extra_flags=['tag_custom_tag']) account = MagicMock() account.getMailbox.return_value = mailbox leap_session = MagicMock(account=account) # when mailservice = MailService(leap_session) mails = mailservice.mails({}) # then self.assertEqual(1, len(mails)) def test_search_for_tags(self): # given mailbox = test_helper.leap_mailbox(leap_flags=['\\Recent'], extra_flags=['tag_custom_tag']) matching_mail = test_helper.leap_mail(uid=6, leap_flags=[], extra_flags=['tag_custom_tag']) not_matching_mail = test_helper.leap_mail(uid=6, leap_flags=[], extra_flags=['tag_other']) mailbox.messages = [matching_mail, not_matching_mail] mailbox.all_tags.return_value = set() account = MagicMock() account.mailboxes = ['inbox'] account.getMailbox.return_value = mailbox leap_session = MagicMock(account=account) # when mailservice = MailService(leap_session) mails = mailservice.mails({'tags': ['inbox', 'custom_tag']}) # then self.assertEqual(1, len(mails)) self.assertEqual(set([Tag('custom_tag')]), mails[0].tags) def test_send_mail(self): leap_session = Mock(account_email=lambda: "username@leap_server") mail_service = MailService(leap_session) mail_service._create_smtp_server = lambda: None mail_service._create_smtp_server = lambda: None mail_service.smtp_client = Mock() mail = Mock( to_smtp_format=lambda _from=None: "mail as string", get_to=lambda: 'to@pixelated.org' ) mail_service.send(mail) mail_service.smtp_client.sendmail.assert_called_with('username@leap_server', 'to@pixelated.org', "mail as string")