# # Copyright (c) 2016 ThoughtWorks, Inc. # # Pixelated is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pixelated is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Pixelated. If not, see . import re from pixelated.resources import IPixelatedSession from twisted.cred import error from twisted.cred import portal, checkers from twisted.cred.checkers import ANONYMOUS from twisted.cred.credentials import ICredentials from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.logger import Logger from twisted.web import util from twisted.web._auth.wrapper import UnauthorizedResource from twisted.web.error import UnsupportedMethod from twisted.web.resource import IResource, ErrorPage from zope.interface import implements, implementer, Attribute log = Logger() class ISessionCredential(ICredentials): request = Attribute('the current request') @implementer(ISessionCredential) class SessionCredential(object): def __init__(self, request): self.request = request @implementer(checkers.ICredentialsChecker) class SessionChecker(object): credentialInterfaces = (ISessionCredential,) def __init__(self, services_factory): self._services_factory = services_factory def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): session = self.get_session(credentials.request) if session.is_logged_in() and self._services_factory.has_session(session.user_uuid): return defer.succeed(session.user_uuid) return defer.succeed(ANONYMOUS) def get_session(self, request): return IPixelatedSession(request.getSession()) class PixelatedRealm(object): implements(portal.IRealm) def __init__(self, authenticated_resource, public_resource): self._authenticated_resource = authenticated_resource self._public_resource = public_resource def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): if IResource not in interfaces: raise NotImplementedError() if avatarId == checkers.ANONYMOUS: avatar = self._public_resource else: avatar = self._authenticated_resource return IResource, avatar, lambda: None @implementer(IResource) class PixelatedAuthSessionWrapper(object): isLeaf = False def __init__(self, portal, root_resource, anonymous_resource, credentialFactories=[]): self._portal = portal self._credentialFactories = credentialFactories self._root_resource = root_resource self._anonymous_resource = anonymous_resource def render(self, request): raise UnsupportedMethod(()) def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request): request.postpath.insert(0, request.prepath.pop()) return self._authorizedResource(request) def _authorizedResource(self, request): creds = SessionCredential(request) return util.DeferredResource(self._login(creds, request)) def _login(self, credentials, request): def loginSucceeded(args): interface, avatar, logout = args # TODO: make sandbox public return avatar def loginFailed(result): if result.check(error.Unauthorized, error.LoginFailed): return UnauthorizedResource(self._credentialFactories) else: log.error( "PixelatedAuthSessionWrapper.getChildWithDefault encountered " "unexpected error: %s" % result) return ErrorPage(500, None, None) d = self._portal.login(credentials, None, IResource) d.addCallbacks(loginSucceeded, loginFailed) return d