# # Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks, Inc. # # Pixelated is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pixelated is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Pixelated. If not, see . import json from pixelated.adapter.mail import InputMail from pixelated.controllers import respond_json from flask import request import dateutil.parser as dateparser class MailsController: def __init__(self, mail_service, draft_service, search_engine): self._mail_service = mail_service self._draft_service = draft_service self._search_engine = search_engine def mails(self, _request=request): mail_ids, total = self._search_engine.search(_request.args.get('q'), _request.args.get('w'), _request.args.get('p')) mails = self._mail_service.mails(mail_ids) mails = sorted(mails, key=lambda mail: dateparser.parse(mail.date), reverse=True) response = { "stats": { "total": total, "read": 0, "starred": 0, "replied": 0 }, "mails": [mail.as_dict() for mail in mails] } return respond_json(response) def mail(self, mail_id): mail = self._mail_service.mail(mail_id) return respond_json(mail.as_dict()) def mark_mail_as_read(self, mail_id): mail = self._mail_service.mark_as_read(mail_id) self._search_engine.index_mail(mail) return "" def mark_mail_as_unread(self, mail_id): mail = self._mail_service.mark_as_unread(mail_id) self._search_engine.index_mail(mail) return "" def mark_many_mail_unread(self): idents = json.loads(request.form['idents']) for ident in idents: self._mail_service.mark_as_unread(ident) return "" def delete_mail(self, mail_id): trashed_mail = self._mail_service.delete_mail(mail_id) self._search_engine.index_mail(trashed_mail) return respond_json(None) def delete_mails(self): idents = json.loads(request.form['idents']) for ident in idents: self._mail_service.delete_mail(ident) return respond_json(None) def send_mail(self, _request=request): try: _mail = InputMail.from_dict(_request.json) draft_id = _request.json.get('ident') if draft_id: self._search_engine.remove_from_index(draft_id) _mail = self._mail_service.send(draft_id, _mail) self._search_engine.index_mail(_mail) return respond_json(_mail.as_dict()) except Exception as error: return respond_json({'message': self._format_exception(error)}, status_code=422) def mail_tags(self, mail_id): new_tags = map(lambda tag: tag.lower(), request.get_json()['newtags']) try: self._mail_service.update_tags(mail_id, new_tags) mail = self._mail_service.mail(mail_id) self._search_engine.index_mail(mail) except ValueError as ve: return respond_json(ve.message, 403) return respond_json(mail.as_dict()) def update_draft(self): _mail = InputMail.from_dict(request.json) draft_id = request.json.get('ident') if draft_id: ident = self._draft_service.update_draft(draft_id, _mail).ident self._search_engine.remove_from_index(draft_id) else: ident = self._draft_service.create_draft(_mail).ident self._search_engine.index_mail(self._mail_service.mail(ident)) return respond_json({'ident': ident}) def _format_exception(self, exception): exception_info = map(str, list(exception.args)) return '\n'.join(exception_info)