# # Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks, Inc. # # Pixelated is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pixelated is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Pixelated. If not, see . import errno import traceback import sys import os from leap.mail.imap.fetch import LeapIncomingMail from leap.mail.imap.account import SoledadBackedAccount from leap.mail.imap.memorystore import MemoryStore from leap.mail.imap.soledadstore import SoledadStore from pixelated.bitmask_libraries.config import LeapConfig from pixelated.bitmask_libraries.provider import LeapProvider from pixelated.bitmask_libraries.certs import refresh_ca_bundle from twisted.internet import reactor from .nicknym import NickNym from leap.auth import SRPAuth from .soledad import SoledadSessionFactory from .smtp import LeapSmtp from .config import DEFAULT_LEAP_HOME SESSIONS = {} def open_leap_session(username, password, server_name, leap_home=DEFAULT_LEAP_HOME): config = LeapConfig(leap_home=leap_home) provider = LeapProvider(server_name, config) refresh_ca_bundle(provider) session = LeapSessionFactory(provider).create(username, password) return session class LeapSession(object): """ A LEAP session. Properties: - ``leap_config`` the configuration for this session (LeapClientConfig). - ``srp_session`` the secure remote password session to authenticate with LEAP. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Remote_Password_protocol (LeapSecureRemotePassword) - ``soledad_session`` the soledad session. See https://leap.se/soledad (LeapSecureRemotePassword) - ``nicknym`` the nicknym instance. See https://leap.se/nicknym (NickNym) - ``account`` the actual leap mail account. Implements Twisted imap4.IAccount and imap4.INamespacePresenter (SoledadBackedAccount) - ``incoming_mail_fetcher`` Background job for fetching incoming mails from LEAP server (LeapIncomingMail) """ def __init__(self, provider, user_auth, soledad_session, nicknym, soledad_account, incoming_mail_fetcher, smtp): """ Constructor. :param leap_config: The config for this LEAP session :type leap_config: LeapConfig """ self.smtp = smtp self.config = provider.config self.provider = provider self.user_auth = user_auth self.soledad_session = soledad_session self.nicknym = nicknym self.account = soledad_account self.incoming_mail_fetcher = incoming_mail_fetcher if self.config.start_background_jobs: self.start_background_jobs() def account_email(self): domain = self.provider.domain name = self.user_auth.username return '%s@%s' % (name, domain) def close(self): self.stop_background_jobs() def start_background_jobs(self): reactor.callFromThread(self.incoming_mail_fetcher.start_loop) def stop_background_jobs(self): reactor.callFromThread(self.incoming_mail_fetcher.stop) def sync(self): try: self.soledad_session.sync() except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) raise class LeapSessionFactory(object): def __init__(self, provider): self._provider = provider self._config = provider.config def create(self, username, password): key = self._session_key(username) session = self._lookup_session(key) if not session: session = self._create_new_session(username, password) self._remember_session(key, session) return session def _create_new_session(self, username, password): self._create_dir(self._provider.config.leap_home) self._provider.download_certificate() srp_auth = SRPAuth(self._provider.api_uri, self._provider.local_ca_crt) auth = srp_auth.authenticate(username, password) soledad = SoledadSessionFactory.create(self._provider, auth.token, auth.uuid, password) nicknym = self._create_nicknym(auth.username, auth.token, auth.uuid, soledad) account = self._create_account(auth.uuid, soledad) incoming_mail_fetcher = self._create_incoming_mail_fetcher(nicknym, soledad, account, auth.username) smtp = LeapSmtp(self._provider, auth.username, auth.session_id, nicknym.keymanager) smtp.ensure_running() return LeapSession(self._provider, auth, soledad, nicknym, account, incoming_mail_fetcher, smtp) def _lookup_session(self, key): global SESSIONS if key in SESSIONS: return SESSIONS[key] else: return None def _remember_session(self, key, session): global SESSIONS SESSIONS[key] = session def _session_key(self, username): return hash((self._provider, username)) def _create_dir(self, path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def _create_nicknym(self, username, token, uuid, soledad_session): return NickNym(self._provider, self._config, soledad_session, username, token, uuid) def _create_account(self, uuid, soledad_session): memstore = MemoryStore(permanent_store=SoledadStore(soledad_session.soledad)) return SoledadBackedAccount(uuid, soledad_session.soledad, memstore) def _create_incoming_mail_fetcher(self, nicknym, soledad_session, account, username): return LeapIncomingMail(nicknym.keymanager, soledad_session.soledad, account, self._config.fetch_interval_in_s, self._account_email(username)) def _account_email(self, username): domain = self._provider.domain return '%s@%s' % (username, domain)