# # Copyright (c) 2015 ThoughtWorks, Inc. # # Pixelated is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Pixelated is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with Pixelated. If not, see . import base64 from email.header import decode_header from email.utils import parseaddr import quopri from uuid import uuid4 import re from leap.mail.adaptors.soledad import SoledadMailAdaptor, ContentDocWrapper from twisted.internet import defer from pixelated.adapter.mailstore.body_parser import BodyParser from pixelated.adapter.mailstore.mailstore import MailStore, underscore_uuid from leap.mail.mail import Message from pixelated.adapter.model.mail import Mail, InputMail class AttachmentInfo(object): def __init__(self, ident, name, encoding): self.ident = ident self.name = name self.encoding = encoding class LeapMail(Mail): def __init__(self, mail_id, mailbox_name, headers=None, tags=set(), flags=set(), body=None, attachments=[]): self._mail_id = mail_id self._mailbox_name = mailbox_name self._headers = headers if headers is not None else {} self._body = body self.tags = set(tags) # TODO test that asserts copy self._flags = set(flags) # TODO test that asserts copy self._attachments = attachments @property def headers(self): cpy = dict(self._headers) for name in set(self._headers.keys()).intersection(['To', 'Cc', 'Bcc']): cpy[name] = self._headers[name].split(',') if self._headers[name] else [] return cpy @property def ident(self): return self._mail_id @property def mail_id(self): return self._mail_id @property def body(self): return self._body @property def flags(self): return self._flags @property def mailbox_name(self): return self._mailbox_name @property def security_casing(self): casing = dict(imprints=self._signature_information(), locks=[]) if self._encrypted() == "decrypted": casing["locks"] = [{"state": "valid"}] return casing def _encrypted(self): return self.headers.get("X-Leap-Encryption", "false") def _signature_information(self): signature = self.headers.get("X-Leap-Signature", None) if signature is None or signature.startswith("could not verify"): return [{"state": "no_signature_information"}] else: if signature.startswith("valid"): return [{"state": "valid", "seal": {"validity": "valid"}}] else: return [] @property def raw(self): result = u'' for k, v in self._headers.items(): content, encoding = decode_header(v)[0] if encoding: result += '%s: %s\n' % (k, unicode(content, encoding=encoding)) else: result += '%s: %s\n' % (k, v) result += '\n' if self._body: result = result + self._body return result def _decoded_header_utf_8(self, header_value): if isinstance(header_value, list): return self.remove_duplicates([self._decoded_header_utf_8(v) for v in header_value]) elif header_value is not None: def encode_chunk(content, encoding): return unicode(content, encoding=encoding or 'ascii', errors='ignore') try: encoded_chunks = [encode_chunk(content, encoding) for content, encoding in decode_header(header_value)] return ' '.join(encoded_chunks) # decode_header strips whitespaces on all chunks, joining over ' ' is only a workaround, not a proper fix except UnicodeEncodeError: return unicode(header_value.encode('ascii', errors='ignore')) def as_dict(self): return { 'header': {k.lower(): self._decoded_header_utf_8(v) for k, v in self.headers.items()}, 'ident': self._mail_id, 'tags': self.tags, 'status': list(self.status), 'body': self._body, 'security_casing': self.security_casing, 'textPlainBody': self._body, 'replying': self._replying_dict(), 'mailbox': self._mailbox_name.lower(), 'attachments': [{'ident': attachment.ident, 'name': attachment.name, 'encoding': attachment.encoding} for attachment in self._attachments] } def _replying_dict(self): result = {'single': None, 'all': {'to-field': [], 'cc-field': []}} sender_mail = self._decoded_header_utf_8(self.headers.get('Reply-To', self.headers.get('From'))) # Issue #215: Fix for existing mails without any from address. if sender_mail is None: sender_mail = InputMail.FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS recipients = self._decoded_header_utf_8(self._reply_recipient('To')) if not self._parsed_mail_matches(sender_mail, InputMail.FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS) or len(recipients) == 0: recipients.append(sender_mail) recipients = self.remove_duplicates(recipients) ccs = self._decoded_header_utf_8(self._reply_recipient('Cc')) result['single'] = self._single_reply_recipient(recipients, sender_mail) result['all']['to-field'] = recipients result['all']['cc-field'] = ccs return result def _single_reply_recipient(self, recipients, sender_mail): """ Currently the domain model expects only one single recipient for reply action. But it should support an array, or even better: there should not be any conceptual difference between reply and reply all for this logic """ if self._parsed_mail_matches(sender_mail, InputMail.FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS): return recipients[0] else: return sender_mail def remove_duplicates(self, recipients): return list(set(recipients)) def _reply_recipient(self, kind): recipients = self.headers.get(kind, []) if not recipients: recipients = [] return [recipient for recipient in recipients if not self._parsed_mail_matches(recipient, InputMail.FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS)] def _parsed_mail_matches(self, to_parse, expected): if InputMail.FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS is None: return False return parseaddr(self._decoded_header_utf_8(to_parse))[1] == expected @staticmethod def from_dict(mail_dict): # TODO: implement this method and also write tests for it headers = {key.capitalize(): value for key, value in mail_dict.get('header', {}).items()} headers['Date'] = date.mail_date_now() body = mail_dict.get('body', '') tags = set(mail_dict.get('tags', [])) status = set(mail_dict.get('status', [])) attachments = [] # mail_id, mailbox_name, headers=None, tags=set(), flags=set(), body=None, attachments=[] return LeapMail(None, None, headers, tags, set(), body, attachments) def _extract_filename(content_disposition): match = re.compile('.*name=\"(.*)\".*').search(content_disposition) filename = '' if match: filename = match.group(1) return filename class LeapMailStore(MailStore): __slots__ = ('soledad') def __init__(self, soledad): self.soledad = soledad @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_mail(self, mail_id, include_body=False): message = yield self._fetch_msg_from_soledad(mail_id) if not _is_empty_message(message): leap_mail = yield self._leap_message_to_leap_mail(mail_id, message, include_body) else: leap_mail = None defer.returnValue(leap_mail) def get_mails(self, mail_ids): deferreds = [] for mail_id in mail_ids: deferreds.append(self.get_mail(mail_id)) return defer.gatherResults(deferreds, consumeErrors=True) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_mail_attachment(self, attachment_id): results = yield self.soledad.get_from_index('by-type-and-payloadhash', 'cnt', attachment_id) if attachment_id else [] if len(results): content = ContentDocWrapper(**results[0].content) defer.returnValue({'content-type': content.content_type, 'content': self._try_decode( content.raw, content.content_transfer_encoding)}) else: raise ValueError('No attachment with id %s found!' % attachment_id) def _try_decode(self, raw, encoding): encoding = encoding.lower() if encoding == 'base64': data = base64.decodestring(raw) elif encoding == 'quoted-printable': data = quopri.decodestring(raw) else: data = str(raw) return bytearray(data) @defer.inlineCallbacks def update_mail(self, mail): message = yield self._fetch_msg_from_soledad(mail.mail_id) message.get_wrapper().set_tags(tuple(mail.tags)) message.get_wrapper().set_flags(tuple(mail.flags)) yield self._update_mail(message) # TODO assert this is yielded (otherwise asynchronous) @defer.inlineCallbacks def all_mails(self): mdocs = yield self.soledad.get_from_index('by-type', 'meta') mail_ids = map(lambda doc: doc.doc_id, mdocs) mails = yield self.get_mails(mail_ids) defer.returnValue(mails) @defer.inlineCallbacks def add_mailbox(self, mailbox_name): mailbox = yield self._get_or_create_mailbox(mailbox_name) defer.returnValue(mailbox) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_mailbox_names(self): mbox_map = set((yield self._mailbox_uuid_to_name_map()).values()) defer.returnValue(mbox_map.union({'INBOX'})) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _mailbox_uuid_to_name_map(self): map = {} mbox_docs = yield self.soledad.get_from_index('by-type', 'mbox') for doc in mbox_docs: map[underscore_uuid(doc.content.get('uuid'))] = doc.content.get('mbox') defer.returnValue(map) @defer.inlineCallbacks def add_mail(self, mailbox_name, raw_msg): mailbox = yield self._get_or_create_mailbox(mailbox_name) message = SoledadMailAdaptor().get_msg_from_string(Message, raw_msg) message.get_wrapper().set_mbox_uuid(mailbox.uuid) yield SoledadMailAdaptor().create_msg(self.soledad, message) # add behavious from insert_mdoc_id from mail.py mail = yield self._leap_message_to_leap_mail(message.get_wrapper().mdoc.doc_id, message, include_body=True) # TODO test that asserts include_body defer.returnValue(mail) @defer.inlineCallbacks def delete_mail(self, mail_id): message = yield self._fetch_msg_from_soledad(mail_id) yield message.get_wrapper().delete(self.soledad) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_mailbox_mail_ids(self, mailbox_name): mailbox = yield self._get_or_create_mailbox(mailbox_name) fdocs = yield self.soledad.get_from_index('by-type-and-mbox-uuid', 'flags', underscore_uuid(mailbox.uuid)) mail_ids = map(lambda doc: _fdoc_id_to_mdoc_id(doc.doc_id), fdocs) defer.returnValue(mail_ids) @defer.inlineCallbacks def delete_mailbox(self, mailbox_name): mbx_wrapper = yield self._get_or_create_mailbox(mailbox_name) yield SoledadMailAdaptor().delete_mbox(self.soledad, mbx_wrapper) @defer.inlineCallbacks def copy_mail_to_mailbox(self, mail_id, mailbox_name): message = yield self._fetch_msg_from_soledad(mail_id, load_body=True) mailbox = yield self._get_or_create_mailbox(mailbox_name) copy_wrapper = yield message.get_wrapper().copy(self.soledad, mailbox.uuid) leap_message = Message(copy_wrapper) mail = yield self._leap_message_to_leap_mail(copy_wrapper.mdoc.doc_id, leap_message, include_body=False) defer.returnValue(mail) @defer.inlineCallbacks def move_mail_to_mailbox(self, mail_id, mailbox_name): mail_copy = yield self.copy_mail_to_mailbox(mail_id, mailbox_name) yield self.delete_mail(mail_id) defer.returnValue(mail_copy) def _update_mail(self, message): return message.get_wrapper().update(self.soledad) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _leap_message_to_leap_mail(self, mail_id, message, include_body): if include_body: # TODO use body from message if available body = yield self._raw_message_body(message) else: body = None # fetch mailbox name by mbox_uuid mbox_uuid = message.get_wrapper().fdoc.mbox_uuid mbox_name = yield self._mailbox_name_from_uuid(mbox_uuid) mail = LeapMail(mail_id, mbox_name, message.get_wrapper().hdoc.headers, set(message.get_tags()), set(message.get_flags()), body=body, attachments=self._extract_attachment_info_from(message)) # TODO assert flags are passed on defer.returnValue(mail) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _raw_message_body(self, message): content_doc = (yield message.get_wrapper().get_body(self.soledad)) parser = BodyParser(content_doc.raw, content_type=content_doc.content_type, content_transfer_encoding=content_doc.content_transfer_encoding) defer.returnValue(parser.parsed_content()) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _mailbox_name_from_uuid(self, uuid): map = (yield self._mailbox_uuid_to_name_map()) defer.returnValue(map.get(uuid, '')) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get_or_create_mailbox(self, mailbox_name): mailbox_name_upper = mailbox_name.upper() mbx = yield SoledadMailAdaptor().get_or_create_mbox(self.soledad, mailbox_name_upper) if mbx.uuid is None: mbx.uuid = str(uuid4()) yield mbx.update(self.soledad) defer.returnValue(mbx) def _fetch_msg_from_soledad(self, mail_id, load_body=False): return SoledadMailAdaptor().get_msg_from_mdoc_id(Message, self.soledad, mail_id, get_cdocs=load_body) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _dump_soledad(self): gen, docs = yield self.soledad.get_all_docs() for doc in docs: print '\n%s\n' % doc def _extract_attachment_info_from(self, message): wrapper = message.get_wrapper() part_maps = wrapper.hdoc.part_map return self._extract_part_map(part_maps) def _extract_part_map(self, part_maps): result = [] for nr, part_map in part_maps.items(): if 'headers' in part_map and 'phash' in part_map: headers = {header[0]: header[1] for header in part_map['headers']} phash = part_map['phash'] if 'Content-Disposition' in headers: disposition = headers['Content-Disposition'] if 'attachment' in disposition: filename = _extract_filename(disposition) encoding = headers.get('Content-Transfer-Encoding', None) result.append(AttachmentInfo(phash, filename, encoding)) if 'part_map' in part_map: result += self._extract_part_map(part_map['part_map']) return result def _is_empty_message(message): return (message is None) or (message.get_wrapper().mdoc.doc_id is None) def _fdoc_id_to_mdoc_id(fdoc_id): return 'M' + fdoc_id[1:]