import traceback import sys import os from app.bitmask_libraries.config import LeapConfig from app.bitmask_libraries.provider import LeapProvider from app.bitmask_libraries.session import LeapSessionFactory from app.bitmask_libraries.auth import LeapCredentials import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M', filename='/tmp/leap.log', filemode='w') # define a Handler which writes INFO messages or higher to the sys.stderr console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # set a format which is simpler for console use formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') # tell the handler to use this format console.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handler to the root logger logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) class MailService: SPECIAL_BOXES = ['inbox', 'sent', 'drafts', 'trash'] def __init__(self): try: self.username = 'testuser_a003' self.password = 'testpassword' self.server_name = '' self.mailbox_name = 'INBOX' self.leapdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."), "leap") self._open_leap_session() except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise def _open_leap_session(self): self.leap_config = LeapConfig(leap_home=self.leapdir) self.provider = LeapProvider(self.server_name, self.leap_config) self.leap_session = LeapSessionFactory(self.provider).create(LeapCredentials(self.username, self.password)) self.account = self.leap_session.account self.mailbox = self.account.getMailbox(self.mailbox_name) def mails(self, query): return self.mailbox.messages or [] def _switch_mailbox(self, name): mailbox = None if name in self.SPECIAL_BOXES: self._create_mailbox(name) try: mailbox = self.account.getMailbox(name) except Exception, e: if not 'MailboxException' == e.__class__.__name__: raise e return mailbox def _create_mailbox(self, name): created = False try: created = self.account.addMailbox(name) except Exception, e: if not 'MailboxCollision' == e.__class__.__name__: raise e return created def drafts(self): return [] def mail(self, mail_id): for message in self.mailbox.messages: if message.getUID() == int(mail_id): return message def thread(self, thread_id): raise NotImplementedError() def mark_as_read(self, mail_id): raise NotImplementedError() def tags_for_thread(self, thread): raise NotImplementedError() def add_tag_to_thread(self, thread_id, tag): raise NotImplementedError() def remove_tag_from_thread(self, thread_id, tag): raise NotImplementedError() def delete_mail(self, mail_id): raise NotImplementedError() def save_draft(self, draft): raise NotImplementedError() def send_draft(self, draft): raise NotImplementedError() def draft_reply_for(self, mail_id): raise NotImplementedError() def all_tags(self): raise NotImplementedError() def all_contacts(self, query): raise NotImplementedError() if __name__ == '__main__': print('Running Standalone') client = Client()