# Very simple search for contacts. The search string will be something that will be prefix matched # using a boundary before but not after. If you put in more than one word, those two will be searched # and ANDed together. You can use double quotes or single quotes to do the obvious thing instead module Smail class ContactsSearch def initialize(q) @qtree = ContactsSearch.compile(q) end def restrict(input) input.select do |mm| @qtree.match?(mm) end end REGEXP_DQUOTED = /"[^"]*"/ REGEXP_SQUOTED = /'[^']*'/ REGEXP_OTHER = /[^\s]+/ class AndMatch attr_reader :data def initialize(data = []) @data = data end def <<(node) @data << node end def match?(c) self.data.all? { |mm| mm.match?(c) } end end class StringMatch def initialize(data, quoted=false) @data = Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(if quoted data[1..-2] else data end), Regexp::IGNORECASE) @exact_match = /\b#{@data}/ end def match_string?(str) Array(str).any? { |ff| @exact_match.match ff } end def match?(c) match_string? ([c.name] + c.addresses.to_a).compact end end def self.compile(q) qs = StringScanner.new(q) qtree = AndMatch.new until qs.eos? res = if qs.check(REGEXP_DQUOTED) StringMatch.new(qs.scan(REGEXP_DQUOTED), true) elsif qs.check(REGEXP_SQUOTED) StringMatch.new(qs.scan(REGEXP_SQUOTED), true) elsif qs.check(REGEXP_OTHER) StringMatch.new(qs.scan(REGEXP_OTHER)) end qtree << res qs.scan(/\s+/) end qtree end end end