Pixelated User Agent ==================== [![Build Status](https://snap-ci.com/pixelated/pixelated-user-agent/branch/master/build_image)](https://snap-ci.com/pixelated/pixelated-user-agent/branch/master) [ ![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/pixelated/pixelated-user-agent/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/pixelated/pixelated-user-agent?branch=master) The Pixelated User Agent is the mail client of the Pixelated ecosystem. It is composed of two parts, a web interface written in JavaScript ([FlightJS](https://flightjs.github.io/)) and a Python API that interacts with a LEAP Provider, the e-mail platform that Pixelated is built on. **Pixelated is still in early development state!** ![High level architecture User Agent](https://pixelated-project.org/assets/images/pixelated-user-agent.png) ## Getting started ### Registering with a LEAP provider * You can create a developer account at our [Dev Provider](https://dev.pixelated-project.org/). Please contact us at team@pixelated-project.org for an invite code. * If you want to run your own LEAP provider, see [Pixelated Platform installation](https://github.com/pixelated/puppet-pixelated). ## Installation Instructions The easiest setup is the [setup with vagrant](#developer-setup-with-vagrant), which we will go in details below. There is a section on [setup on the native OS](#developer-setup-on-native-os) as well. For server setup, see [debian package](#debian-package) below. ### Developer Setup With Vagrant Please ensure that you have an email user from your preferred leap provider ([How to](#registering-with-a-leap-provider)). ##### Requirements * [vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) - Vagrant is a tool that automates the setup of a virtual machine with the development environment in your computer. Inside the virtual machine's filesystem, this repository will be automatically mounted in the `/vagrant` folder. * You will also need a vagrant [compatible provider](https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/providers/) e.g. [virtualbox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) ##### Set up To setup the pixelated user agent inside a vagrant machine, please run the following sequence of commands in a terminal: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/pixelated/pixelated-user-agent.git $ cd pixelated-user-agent $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh ``` This could take a while depending on your internet connection. Once it is complete, you should be within the terminal of the vagrant box. ##### Running the user agent To run the pixelated user agent single user mode, please run the following: ```bash (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant$ pixelated-user-agent --host ``` You will then need to input your provider hostname, email username and password. Please follow the prompt. Once that is done, you can use by browsing to [http://localhost:3333](http://localhost:3333) To run the pixelated user agent multi user mode, please run the following: ```bash (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant$ pixelated-user-agent --host --multi-user --provider='dev.pixelated-project.org' ``` You will need to change dev.pixelated-project.org to the hostname of the leap provider that you will be using. Once that is done, you can use by browsing to [http://localhost:3333](http://localhost:3333), where you will be prompted for your email username and password. ##### Running tests To run the backend tests: ```bash (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant$ cd service (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant/service$ ./go test ``` To run the frontend tests: ```bash (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant$ cd web-ui (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant/web-ui$ ./go test ``` To run the functional tests: ```bash (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant$ cd service (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant/service$ ./go functional ``` ##### Continuous Integration All commits to the pixelated user agent code trigger all tests to be run in [snap-ci](https://snap-ci.com/pixelated/pixelated-user-agent/branch/master). ##### Note * You can access the guest OS shell via the command `vagrant ssh` run within the `pixelated-user-agent/` folder in the host OS. * `/vagrant/` in the guest OS is mapped to the `pixelated-user-agent/` folder in the host OS. File changes on either side will reflect in the other. * First time email sync could be slow, please be patient. This could be the case if you have a lot of emails already and it is the first time you setup the user agent on your machine. * CTRL + \ will stop the server. * For all backend changes, you will need to stop and [restart the server](#running-the-user-agent). * For most frontend changes, you will just need to reload the browser. Some changes (in particular, those involving css or handlebars) you will need run: ```bash (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant$ cd web-ui (user-agent-venv)vagrant@jessie:/vagrant/web-ui$ ./go build ``` ### Developer Setup On Native OS You will need to install python, pip, npm and openssl. Details for OSX and Debian distributions are explained below. In case of any issues, please ping us on IRC ([#pixelated on irc.freenode.net](irc://irc.freenode.net/pixelated)), we will be available to help you from there. #### On OSX We provide a script to ease the setup. It will essentially install compass within a rbenv, npm, python from homebrew as well as all the project requirements. Please run the following: ```bash curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pixelated/pixelated-user-agent/master/osx_setup.sh | sh ``` Please note that you will have to activate the virtualenv anytime you work on a different terminal. This is done by simply running `$ source ~/.virtualenvs/pixelated-venv/bin/activate` first. Running the user agent ([How to](#running-the-user-agent)), and the various tests ([How to](#running-tests)) are the same as in the vagrant setup above. #### On Debian distributions This is the setup for developers. Please run the following command: ```bash curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pixelated/pixelated-user-agent/master/debian_setup.sh | sh ``` Please note that you will have to activate the virtualenv anytime you work on a different terminal. This is done by simply running `$ source ~/.virtualenvs/pixelated-venv/bin/activate` first. Running the user agent ([How to](#running-the-user-agent)), and the various tests ([How to](#running-tests)) are the same as in the vagrant setup above. ## Debian package For people that just want to try the user agent, we have debian packages available in our [repository](http://packages.pixelated-project.org/debian/). To use it, you have to add it to your sources list: ```shell echo "deb http://packages.pixelated-project.org/debian jessie-snapshots main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pixelated.list apt-key adv --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 287A1542472DC0E3 apt-get update apt-get install pixelated-user-agent ```