VIRTUALENV=~/.venvs/pixua .PHONY: setup requirements install requirements_py install_py requirements_js install_js create_virtualenv .PHONY: test test_py test_js test_all linters linters_py linters_js coverage unit_tests_py unit_tests_js .PHONY: integration_tests_py functional_tests ensure_phantomjs_installed ensure_virtualenv_installed clean .PHONY: clean_all clean_py clean_js clean_cache remove_virtualenv remove_javascript_packages setup: install requirements: requirements_py requirements_js install: requirements install_py install_js requirements_py: create_virtualenv @. $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate;\ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools install_py: service/requirements.txt service/test_requirements.txt @. $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate;\ cd service;\ pip install pysqlcipher --upgrade --force-reinstall --install-option="--bundled";\ pip install --exists-action s -r requirements.txt -r test_requirements.txt requirements_js: @cd web-ui;\ npm install;\ node_modules/.bin/bower install install_js: @cd web-ui;\ npm rebuild node-sass;\ npm run build create_virtualenv: ensure_virtualenv_installed @if [ ! -e $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate ]; then\ echo "Pixelated virtualenv doesn't exist, creating now";\ virtualenv --python=python2 $(VIRTUALENV);\ fi test: clean install test_py test_js coverage test_py: linters_py unit_tests_py integration_tests_py test_js: linters_js unit_tests_js test_all: test functional_tests linters: clean install linters_py linters_js linters_py: @. $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate;\ cd service;\ pep8 --ignore=E501 pixelated test linters_js: @cd web-ui;\ npm run jshint coverage: @. $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate;\ cd service;\ coverage run -p --source=pixelated `which trial` test.unit;\ coverage run -p --source=pixelated `which trial` test.integration;\ coverage combine;\ coverage html unit_tests_py: @. $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate;\ cd service;\ trial --reporter=text test.unit unit_tests_js: @cd web-ui;\ npm run test integration_tests_py: @. $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate;\ cd service;\ trial -j`grep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo || sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu` --reporter=text test.integration functional_tests: clean requirements install ensure_phantomjs_installed @. $(VIRTUALENV)/bin/activate;\ cd service;\ behave --tags ~@wip --tags ~@smoke test/functional/features ensure_phantomjs_installed: @if [ ! `which phantomjs` ]; then\ echo "You need phantomJS to run these tests";\ exit 1;\ fi ensure_virtualenv_installed: @if [ ! `which virtualenv` ]; then\ echo "Virtualenv must be installed";\ exit 1;\ fi clean: clean_py clean_js clean_cache clean_all: clean remove_javascript_packages remove_virtualenv clean_py: rm -rf service/_trial_temp find . -name "*.pyc" -delete rm -rf service/.coverage rm -rf service/htmlcov clean_js: rm -rf web-ui/dist rm -rf web-ui/.sass-cache clean_cache: rm -rf ~/.config/leap rm -rf ~/.leap rm -rf service/ghostdriver.log remove_virtualenv: rm -rf $(VIRTUALENV) remove_javascript_packages: rm -rf web-ui/node_modules rm -rf web-ui/app/bower_components